mostly links, but they're interesting, i promise

Nov 14, 2015 00:06

happy (slightly late) birthday to nwhepcat, who i got to hang out and chat with at wincon. yay fangirls! fangirls are the best. :D (also cake. cake is the best.)

dancing boys: *conga!*

today is friday the thirteenth, and i, er, celebrated by screwing up some things at work. >.< nothing major, and all caused because i don't know everything i need to know yet, but still. but that was it.

today is also the last odd day of the century, when the date is three consecutive odd numbers. (well, if you're american, anyway.) fun with numbers. :D

here's a nifty animation of carl sagan's pale blue dot monologue.

the world's most expensive dollhouse is on display in new york, and i want to see it. it's only there until december 8. but i want it. i mean, look at all those gorgeous tiny things!

octopus typewriter! tentacular!

canadian teacher combines two of his favorite things - lego and curling. because you know you wanted to see a lego bonspiel. (a competition, basically.) i just think that's so cool. i mean, come on, lego. and curling.

fun with numbers, new job second floor, tentacles, legos, miniatures, outer space, psa, curling, creeptastic

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