boston got more snow in the last 17 days than ever before

Feb 09, 2015 21:42

71". i think that beats the record for most snow in forty days. jeebus.

today's clusterfuck was surprisingly not travel-related! (boston's entire public transportation network was running on a reduced schedule, and i was still only fifteen minutes late to work. woot.) a woman came in for a video conference interview, and the room where i was told to put her wasn't set up for her, and neither were any of the other conference rooms, and neither of the it guys came in on account of weather, and after an hour she still hadn't had her interview and the person who was supposed to interview her - and who was in texas - gave up and left. and in the meantime one of the admins and i were trying to figure something out with the people who set up the interview (and who were also in texas), and the end result was this woman who'd driven down from new hampshire didn't get her interview and the admin and i were both really embarrassed.

have some pictures of the snow.

on the plus side, we got pizza for lunch. (there were like twenty-five people in the office. usually there are a lot more.) the admin and i went across the street to pick it up because that was faster than waiting for delivery.

i saw this on the train home:

i did not sidle up to him, whisper "hail hydra!" and sidle away, but i was tempted.

the t is closed tomorrow - the buses will be running but the trains won't be - so yours truly is going to sleep in and work from home. and, er, shovel out her car. >.<

preliminary thought about sleepy hollow:

sharif atkins! it's junior suit jones!

so ichabod's issue with jefferson is that jefferson stopped being friends with him for no reason? that's so weirdly high school of him. cute, tho. poor ichabod, defriended by the great jefferson.

i'm guessing the tattoo on irving's wrist is an "i'm linked to the horseman of war" tattoo, and that jenny is now suspicious of him. go jenny.

oh my god, jefferson's still alive in his fenestella. he's like the last knight in the temple at the end of indiana jones at the last crusade. who's going to choose poorly? :D

oh, he's only a hologram. how is that possible? i mean, i don't buy that jefferson knew anything about holograms, and who else has been down there?

ok, so that was thoughts.

shallow thoughts about gotham:

the guy who plays jonathan crane looks familiar. am i a perv if i think he's really pretty? who's writing the edward/osward slash now?

i don't think i ever pay enough attention to gotham to have anything other than shallow thoughts.

gotham, sleepy hollow: still batshit, what is this fuckery, snow

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