my bigbang draft is awaaaay! i'm both relieved and kind of at a loss. i mean, what am i going to complain about writing? what am i going to do random and ridiculous research for at work? y'know? but on the other hand, i wrote a beginning and an ending and connected all the bits in the middle, and i like my summary altho now i wonder if i should've warned for excessive fluff and occasional schmoop (seriously, i think this fic is fluffier than a long-haired cat after being blow-dried) (it's fluffier than the
humid bunny), and i like the title, and i have not one but TWO epigrams which makes me feel doubly pretentious. and even tho the draft is pretty much the firstiest draft that ever firsted, i'm happy with the story. which is nice! (and a HUGE improvement over last year.)
now i have nothing to do but sit and wait for artists' claims. which is may 9 which is a friday which means i'll be at work all day where lj will be inaccessible to me which means i won't be able to refresh the page every six seconds to see who claimed my summary which means i will be spending all day hoping someone wants it without being able to reassure myself when someone does. *breathe*
yesterday i went over to my sister's house to eat chinese food and watch hobbit #2. i still think the love story is stupid as hell, and there were a bunch of scenes where you could totally see the cgi AS cgi which threw me out of the story. >.< but i still really like smaug. and i'm excited for the last one.
it's quarter to six and i'm still wearing my pajamas and i had PLANS for today, and they included getting dressed and leaving the house by one. *sigh* at least i sent off my bigbang.... i should perhaps clothe myself and maybe go sit in the diesel for a bit to finish valley of the dolls and have a snack to celebrate the turning in of the draft. (normally i'd be all "celebratory sushi!" or "chinese food!" but i'm defrosting chicken for dinner and also i bought myself dinner last night and don't want to do it two nights in a row.) ...can i stick my defrosted chicken in the fridge and cook it tomorrow? will it still be ok?