no, like i said, the needy. brother, we need this car.

Jan 03, 2014 19:04

today i did indeed work from home on account of snow. even tho it had stopped precipitating by the time i got up and the street looked pretty well plowed.... i'm actually kind of glad i didn't go in, because it meant i had time to dig out my car AND buy a new shovel when mine broke. >.< (this took about two hours. fortunately work was reallllly slow. like, to the point i thought something was wrong.) i hadn't even shoveled enough to drive to the hardware store, so i had to take the bus and then walk. so now i have a new and exciting (and heavier) shovel and blisters on both feet. :| but my car is mostly free of snow. and the sun came out and if nothing else i feel like i got enough exercise. i totally deserve chinese for dinner, tho. i know you're all surprised. :D

i kind of feel like we got a lot of hype and not a corresponding lot of snow. maybe they just plowed really fast. i probably shouldn't complain. it's really cold, tho.

enjoyed elementary last night. really love joan and also joan's clothes. i figured the wedding photo of young!gregson and mrs gregson was actually young!aidan quinn and mrs quinn. he was so fucking adorable i couldn't stand it.

and now my movie is on. "why are people shooting at us?" "because i blew up their car!" heh.

wind-up pug. you spin me right round, baby, right round, like a pug, baby, right round....

question! should i do
snowflake_challenge this year? bearing in mind it's already day three.

gone in sixty seconds, elementary, doggie love, snow, snowflake challenge, fucking snow

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