i had a fangirl this weekend! briefly! \o/

May 28, 2013 09:03

the hurt locker is on right now. that seems like such an intense movie for a weekday morning. altho, you know, jeremy renner.

i missed the s2 premiere of longmire last night. >.< i thought it was coming next week. at least a&e reruns everything....

sunday there was a fall out boy show in boston and chaneen came to see it, by which i mean she took the bus saturday night and stayed with me. :D and because it was "celebrate cindy's sister's birthday by going out to eat at 8:15 at the steak place where dinner takes two hours" night, poor chaneen had to wait until after 11 before i could get her. but then we went home and talked about this and that and the other thing - mostly tv with some movies and comics for good measure - until, er, almost 5. it was getting light when we realized we should maybe go to sleep. but she watches hannibal! and agrees with me about a. sam's hair, and b. castiel! and as any fangirl knows, it's vitally important to chat (and squee) with fellow fen about things you agree on! most important thing, tho, it was fun.

the next day - or later the same day, i guess - i realized the easiest way to get her to the venue would be to take her there, plus it would get me out of the house, so i did that and got to meet her friend who she got the tickets with, and then i went to my sister's to eat chinese takeout and watch fast five in preparation for the sixth one. #5 required slightly more suspension of disbelief than i remembered from the previous four, and the plot only mostly made sense, but it was full of pretty people and fast cars and overhead shots of rio, and it was fun, and that's pretty much all i expect from a fast&furious movie. and now we can see #6. :D

and yesterday i went to ikea, which needs no other commentary. i love ikea.

do people still make ashcans of their comics, like to sell/give away at cons?

movies, ikea, fun with my sister, longmire, fun with fangirls, comics

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