and once again i leave the house much later than i was planning

Apr 20, 2013 17:40

today feels kind of like sunday, because i essentially had yesterday off. it's a little weird. and i'm so used to seeing news on channel 7 that i was surprised this morning when something else was on.

i did finally leave the house yesterday and went into davis square where some places were open and some places weren't, and i sat in one of the yogurt places (we have two) (with a third one wanting to move in) and finished the many deaths of the firefly brothers, which turned out to be about slightly more than i was expecting and ends on a weirdly indefinite note. i enjoyed it, tho.

on the way home, because i'd missed about three hours of news, i kept feeling like i'd missed the end of the movie, like news had gone on without me and i'd missed something. so when i got home i turned the tv back on and surprise, nothing had happened. >.< except apparently the cops had found the suspect hiding in a boat. i called my sister to see how she was holding up (she was maybe going to go out with her friend who lives nearby but she didn't actually want to leave the house) and we sat on the phone and watched the news together for, er, almost two hours. time really flies when news is happening! and then a hostage negotiator talked the suspect out of the boat and no one got killed or blown up, and the kid was put in an ambulance and taken to a hospital, and my sister and i both went "ok, we can go eat dinner now". i did watch a little bit more, mostly shots of people cheering for law enforcement - and seriously, all those guys (various police departments, the fbi, the atf) deserve so much credit - and then i made dinner and changed the channel.

this morning i was thinking about the surviving bomber (and, oddly enough, the end of firefly brothers) and i felt kind of like garcia, from cm, in house on fire - it has seriously impaired my ability to giggle, and it makes my brain all wonky, and i don't like it. not that i want to think about the explosion in texas, or the fact that there was an earthquake in china yesterday, but, y'know, i'm ready to think about something else for a while.

so, in that vein, here are ten good things that happened this past week. (i can't get the colbert video to play, so someone else will have to tell me what he says.)

also, what if a lot of the disney princesses were actually sloths? answer: the movies might've been a little slower. but much cuter.

tom hiddleston wants to play eric draven in the remake of the crow. i'm as big a hiddles fan as the next fangirl, but i'm not sure how i feel about this. well, i'm not sure how i feel about a remake of the crow in the first place, and the role is so indelibly linked to brandon lee that there's a chance anyone would suffer in comparison, just because they're not him.

boston marathon, books, disney, good things, tom hiddleston, oh my god the cute

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