what the hell i mean seriously!

Apr 19, 2013 13:06

a. i'm at home and safe! and still wearing my pajamas.... ahem.

b. the t is shut down (and boston is on lockdown anyway) so i couldn't go to work, which is fine except that i didn't bring my work laptop home so i can't do anything i could get paid for. i left a job half done, too. today is like the most unexpected unpaid day off ever.

c. also somerville isn't on lockdown but there is a shelter in place order, which is basically "please stay inside wherever you are". altho there's regular traffic on my street and i've seen a couple pedestrians, so obviously it's not a hard and fast order.

d. i've been watching the news since eight this am, when my mom called and said "turn on channel 7" and also "you're not going into work, are you". (to which i answered "well, if the t is shut down i can't.") there's been some information about the suspects, and bits of interviews with their uncle and a girl who went to high school with the younger one and a guy who went to college with the younger one and a mechanic who said he saw one of them on tuesday when the kid came by to pick up his car which was being fixed up in the garage. why didn't they leave town? we don't know!

d2. friends and acquaintances of the younger brother seem to be completely baffled - he was a nice guy, friendly, involved with clubs at school, a soccer player, westernized, not crazy religious, etc etc. i highly doubt the cops will take him alive, but i hope they do because man, i want to know what the hell he was thinking.

e. the mit campus cop who they killed last night was from somerville. :(

f. i haven't seen a single commercial in all the time that i've had the tv on. this never happens.

g. i gotta say, props to law enforcement for their good work. they're being very careful about what news they share so as not to jeopardize any of their investigations, which means the tv news (i'm watching the local nbc affiliate, if it matters) is being careful about what it shares. at one point they were broadcasting a reporter on the scene on a short time delay, and earlier at a different scene the reporters on site weren't even showing the specific house the cops were focused on. altho they keep showing previously-shot footage without necessarily mentioning that's what it is, and i only know because i've been glued to the tv for five hours, so i've seen it already.

h. maybe i should put on some clothes.

boston marathon, wtf, what is this fuckery, boston

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