this isn't usual. this is history.

Jan 06, 2013 14:58

happy (slightly late) birthday to azewewish, who is a really fun person to know even if she does think i'm a terrible tour guide. *ahem* i shall assume you had cake. :D

dancing boys: *two-step*

last night my sister and i saw lincoln which was full of actors whose voices and faces i recognized, and who i had no idea were in the movie. i was surprised that parts of it were actually funny. i guess lincoln had a sense of humor. i may or may not have teared up once or twice or possibly three times. the political scheming and maneuvering and back-and-forthing were interesting against the backdrop of current politics, occasionally the plot was convolutedly hard to follow, and i enjoyed it a lot.

spn-j2-bigbang signups open next saturday and i am now officially FREAKING OUT. (usually i wait to panic until i've actually signed up.) i know what i'm writing and i even have a title and the vaguest possible semblance of a structure, but i've done practically no research and have written nothing, and the prospect of writing 20k words of a single story between now and may 1 is incredibly daunting. especially since between now and then i also have to write my picfor1000 story for which i have no ideas at all, and also i still need to write a story for writing group by wednesday. at least i won't be working so i'll have the time. but still. (yes, those two small stories are causing me panic. i freak out over silly shit, what can i say.)

anyway. bigbang 2013 is kind of "it's about this and this and no one will read it". but i'm kind of excited - if STILL FREAKED OUT - about writing it. which is good.

schoolhouse rock is forty this year! hands up everyone who remembers watching it on saturday mornings, and who actually learned stuff from it. *counts hands* *adds winchesters* (what? it's canon.) i can only sing the preamble to the constitution - i can't just recite it - because that's how i learned it. it wasn't until years later that i even knew what "posterity" meant, but i knew it was in the constitution!

oddly enough, this does not make me feel old.

guy builds iron man arc reactor as ring holder to propose to girlfriend - how cool is that? this is what nerds do for the nerds they love. :D (no doubt some nerdy girl did the same kind of thing for her nerdy partner, she just didn't film it and put it online.)

thanks to twitter and wikipedia, i bring you a list of the oldest companies in the world. the oldest one is apparently a construction company in japan. only one of those things surprises me. the oldest company in europe is a restaurant in austria. just the fact that any commercial enterprise still exists after upwards of twelve hundred years is impressive as hell to me.

and now i need to leave the house and be out in the sun while there's still sun to be out in. i hope you all are having a lovely sunday.

movie review, crafty fen, historical nifty, ah nostalgia, psa, geekery, bigbang 2013

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