psa! and also NEWS! and also also links!

Jan 04, 2013 22:09

happy birthday justhuman! fangirl, new jerseyan, keeper of fabulous home gardens. every time i catch a rerun of ncis i think of you. :D also, i think you should have cake.

dancing boys: *two-step*

so today i went to my future place of (temporary) employment to meet the woman i'd be working with, and first i went to the wrong office because i was told to go to the wrong office and once i realized it i apologized to everyone because it meant i was running late. >.< but i got to the right place and had what was evidently a good chat with the woman i'll be working with - who i'll need better shorthand for - and i saw my future desk and admired the view and while i was waiting for the bus home i talked to the woman at the employment agency who got me the job in the first place, and they want me to start jan 14 which means i have yet another week of slacking off and getting dressed at four. yay? but also, EMPLOYMENT, WHOO. and it's nice to have an official start date.

oh, and also? it looked like a fairly casual office, clothes-wise, unless they just have casual fridays, but whatever, i don't have to go out and buy another suit. i am not a fan of suit-shopping.

so that was my day. i came home and i had PLANS and i sat on the couch for the rest of the afternoon anyway. yeesh.

let's have some links for the new year!

hedges! - fun facts and cute pics of hedgehogs. because. :D

superhero silhouettes that have to be home for dinner - by which i mean, little-kid versions of superheroes (and the occasional supervillain). so, so cute.

fifty-three terrible jokes - in four minutes. which side of the chicken has more feathers? the outside! (ok, i laughed.)

psa, superheroes, funny, yay employment, hedgies

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