a psa, a couple links, an oncoming hurricane...

Aug 25, 2011 14:12

today is elvis costello's birthday. which of course explains why i have foster the people's pumped up kicks stuck in my head.... >.< (i blame wendy.)

agatha christie and her surfboard - yes, agatha christie knew how to surf. apparently she learned in hawaii in 1922. how cool is that? (also i love that her surfboard seems to be named fred. heh.)

...there's a museum of british surfing. o.O maybe i shouldn't find that as weird as i do. are there good places to surf in the uk? i'm not surprised there are british surfers, at least.

book cover that will make leverage fans giggle - it's in german and looks kind of silly and that's about all i can tell for sure. also, eliot is apparently a man of hidden talents.

we just had some random rain blow thru. i highly doubt greater boston will see any of hurricane irene besides rain - like, i don't expect a lot of wind or anything - so i hope everyone south of me - especially coastal south - survives ok. what is up with this week and mother nature??

retronaut, mother nature is a crazy bitch, leverage, psa, earworm

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