more than five things make a post

Aug 23, 2011 13:15

happy birthday to bunnymcfoo a day late. or happy unbirthday on time. :D this still calls for cake!

dancing boys: *high-kick*

i seem to have sold my futon to two people. >.< the first person said she wouldn't be in town until next tuesday, so i emailed back and said i was moving out next tuesday, so she'd have to come get it in the morning because the movers are coming at nine. i figured that would be the end of it, she wouldn't be able to get it in time, so i posted to davis-square offering the futon and my entertainment unit, and someone said she wanted the futon, could she get it this weekend? and i said sure, no problem. and then the first girl, who is apparently out of town, emailed back and said she probably could come by tuesday morning, would she need a car, where do i live? and then i realized i'd unintentionally sold my futon to two people. this is what i get for hedging my bets. oy.

i don't actually want anyone in my house next tuesday besides the movers and possibly my parents. i definitely don't want anyone else trying to move furniture out. altho if we get stuck, maybe one of the moving guys could help us.... but still. too much chaos, y'know? but i offered it to her first, and i don't quite feel like i can back out now. i'm kind of hoping she says she can't be at my house by nine, so i can then tell the nice person from the dslj that she can have it. (for one thing, she can get it this weekend, and it will be out of the house and i can sweep the spot it used to be. and mostly it will be gone and thus one less thing to thing about.)

on the plus side, someone does want my entertainment unit. (yay!) they just need to tell me when they can come get it.

also goodwill will apparently take my vacuum and random desk chair and a couple fans and a wee white bookcase i want to get rid of. i guess vacuums count as small household appliances. woo. now i just have to figure out how to get my cd towers to farwing's house....

the cute child sighting of the day is a little girl in a sundress, unsteadily riding a pink bike (and wearing a helmet :D ), with a guy who looked a lot like her grandfather with a hand on one of the handlebars. she looked like she almost had it, like she might've been ok if he let go, but at the same time, she was still a little bit wobbly. SOCUTE.

and the cute dog sighting of the day is a boston terrier who was determined to sniff EVERY INCH around a tree while his person was trying to walk him.

explaining a kindle to charles dickens - it's an art student's project and while i'm not sure it totally explains kindles to the kindle-clueless, it does show how you can fit forty books into one. also, it's pretty cool.

moving, cute child sighting, things what are nifty, dorkitude, doggie love, psa, book squee

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