stuff, things, bbq

Mar 15, 2011 00:20

watching white collar from last week and y'know, the nazis didn't collect that treasure, they stole it. and all those billions of dollars of art and antiques? someone's gonna want that back, and it ain't an american museum.

also the neal/alex stuff and the love triangle feel really tacked on, and while i do think neal and sara have some really nice chemistry and i totally buy them as people who like and are attracted to each other - and get thisclose to having sex in an ellis island archive - all the boyfriend/girlfriend coupley stuff likewise seems tacked on and kind of forced.

on the other hand, neal and peter are just as cute as they were the first time i saw the episode. :D

in other news, i met nicki_w and her boyfriend phil for dinner - they were in boston for pax, the penny arcade gaming geek con - and we may or may not have sat in redbones for three and a half hours. ahem. but i have successfully introduced brits to corn bread and ribs, so. and we all split a piece of pecan pie for dinner, so i have also successfully celebrated pi(e) day. :D

and in other other news, on the way home from work i passed a woman walking two pugs, one in a pink shirt and the other in a blue shirt. so, so cute.

redbones, fun with friends, doggie love, white collar

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