and in conclusion, pie

Mar 14, 2011 12:34

happy birthday suzvoy, fabulous fangirl, and cynbaby, photographer of cemeteries! (it's more of a compliment than it sounds, really - they're very nice photos.) i hope life is good to you, and that you get pie. :D

dancing boys: *hippy shake*

today is pi(e) day, so birthday pie instead of cake. :D

i'm offering cookies for japan relief! two dozen of the best chocolate mint cookies ever ever. or if you just want chocolate i can do that, or i can add chocolate chips, or walnuts, or whatever. bid early, bid often. :D

while you're there, check out the other nifty goodies on offer.

i'm debating offering a podfic - i still owe one for help_pakistan - but am not offering a book because a. i know how badly i procrastinate even if no one else does, and b. there's a looooong list of books in front of it. but if by some freak chance you want me to make you one, feel free to make a donation on your own. just be warned it will take a year to get to you.

but cookies, those i can do. and they're really good cookies.

my boss and i had a brief conversation this morning about the nuclear reactors in japan and i more or less explained what a meltdown is, and why they had to vent one of the reactors, and what the deal is with all the water. i was kind of impressed with myself and i have lj to thank for it, for the posting of explanations and helpful links. well, and twitter - william gibson retweeted links all weekend.

and then the other architect was talking about the power/electricity supply - because i mentioned the rolling blackouts and the fact that nuclear plants are about 30% of japan's power source, and fukushima being offline wasn't insignificant - and he seemed to be saying it wasn't a big deal, and i wanted to ask if he'd seen the photo of shibuya in tokyo with most of the lights off. (fully half of what he says is always bullshit, which is frustrating because i don't think he's a stupid guy. just opinionated and not always educated. and he doesn't listen.)

unrelatedly, i want to thank everyone with pics and info from the spn paley panel for NOT spoiling those of us who wish to remain spoiler-free. i might actually make it thru the season without being unintentionally spoiled. woo.

help_japan, work, holy shit japan, psa

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