today's my dad's birthday. happy birthday, dad. (we're going out for dinner later. first i need to shower, because ew. and also i have to get a card.)
way back in the mists of time when i was watching queer as folk, i started out two seasons behind and thus mainlined all those episodes in a few weeks. which was a lot of concentrated qaf and more tv than i was used to watching at one time. (i did the same kind of thing for spn, except for only half a season. but i still watched a couple episodes a night until i was caught up. concentrated demon hunters for the win.) the sudden excess of criminal minds reruns is a lot like that, except it's on tv and i don't have to keep going back to the video store to rent it. this might be how spaztastic fannishness is born. the episodes are not running into each other in my head yet, which is a good sign.
no cm quotes for you today, because the one i really like - "is your name samuel?" - has no context because i can't remember enough of the previous lines, and really you need to see spencer's face for the full effect.
"twenty-four and a doctor - your mother must be so proud."
(and actually, yes, she is. mrs reid knows her son's a genius. and when she says so, she's not bragging, as mothers do who love their kids - he really is a genius.) (i admit i kind of love the occasional comment about spencer's comparatively young age. "you look like a college professor. and you look like one of his students." i still get a huge kick out of the fact that morgan calls him "kid".)
i've noticed a lot of info-dumping for the audience's sake in early cm, which i don't remember so much from later cm altho maybe the concentrated viewing just makes it more obvious. i mean, in one episode one of the agents explains what rohypnol is and what it does to the other agents, and y'know, i think they'd already know that. and now that i'm aware of it i notice it all the time, argh. >.<
i keep being unintentionally and vaguely spoiled for spn and it's ticking me off. it's the kind of spoilage you get from reading comments to a spoiler-free post, or ending up on the wrong page on (ie, not the program listings). one spoiler i kind of like, and one i keep thinking is a joke, but i'm still annoyed that i keep finding references when i'm trying not to. since i don't watch the cw aside from spn, and i haven't been watching the reruns - they clash with total drama action :D - i haven't even seen any tv promos. i'm ok with this.
this is still a spoiler-free zone. so, you know, no clarification of vague spoilers/rumors/etc. *zips lip*
i've determined what i really need for my bigbang is someone to plot it for me. :D just to give me a bunch of plot points to hit and a flexible timeline in which they happen. i need someone else to give me a framework for me to hang the story on, because god knows i haven't been able to do it myself. clearly i fail at long-term plotting. why am i doing this again?
it's cold and rainy and feels like fall. have some links for a wet saturday:
living root bridges - kind of creepy but at the same time really cool. and environmentally friendly to boot. (link from
wrenlet the enabler)
sexually suggestive candy wrappers - a little unintentional porn for your weekend. :D