i'm kind of sort of trying to write a fandom-ish post - i've seen a few fannish/fandom-related posts on the flist the past couple days and they made me think about fandom in general - but am stymied by the fact that i don't know how to frame it, how to structure it, or even how to write it, because i'm not sure what i want to say. (other than "can you consider yourself active in/part of a fandom if you don't read or write fanfic or make fanart?" and "when do you cross over from merely liking a show/movie/actor/whathaveyou to being fannish?" defining my terms is possibly the whole point of the post. which is partly why i haven't written it yet.) you'd think i had a story in mind or something. hmph. well, i've been thinking about this in various permutations on and off for a couple-three years, so it's not like i'm in a big hurry.
days of crime and roses - vanity fair pics of nyc in the 70s. totally fascinating. i look at some of those and think "ooh, there's a story there". fueled no doubt by art and noise and drugs and lots of sex.... whatever it is, it requires research to tell. which means someone who isn't me will have to tell it.
penguin geek - pengie blog! there's a world penguin day. i did not know that. nifty! (link from