today i bring you links of random with nifty pictures and the odd moment of wtf-ery. :D
coats for guinea pigs - for the stylish guinea pig in your life. apparently you can get them on ebay. altho it sounds more like an etsy thing to me....
britain's secret underground city - it's basically a ginormous cold war era bunker. hooooge. never used and now decommissioned. and did i mention hooooge? sixty miles of roads! crazy.
psychedelic russian house - it's like an american victorian gingerbread house on acid, with all the crazy decorations and painted surfaces. evidently it belonged to a blacksmith, whose widow now refuses to sell it. i can't say i blame her, either.
the fibonacci sequence in nature - aka the golden ratio. i can't see a mention of this without thinking about spencer reid's lightbulb moment and a white-suited jason alexander. (and, oddly enough, scottish architect charles rennie mackintosh. don't ask.) pretty cool math, i gotta say.
spanish town devoured by rock - well, built into rock. when catholics started taking spain from the moors in the middle ages, it took them seven tries to capture this place. if your city was essentially built into the side of a rock face, you'd be able to defend it too. it reminds me a little of ancient native american cliff cities in the southwest, except with a lot more whitewash and slightly less desert.
there's some really interesting stuff on
environmental graffiti. check it out.