quickie update before a. lj goes down, and b. work appears

Nov 18, 2008 09:52

called the phone company. problem was my fault. i misread the "hey, your payment is REALLY OVERDUE" notice they sent me. *cough* paid the $12.80 i apparently owed them (it would be more but i sent in a check on saturday) and now have phone service again. solicitors may feel free to call me now. :D i talked to a friendly csr, at least.

still have a headache, tho.

have also decided not to go to new york for the mini reunion. jodi will possibly try to guilt me into it, but i'm confident in my ability to resist her guilt. i think the only people who can guilt me into doing things i don't want to do are a. my mom, b. my sister, and occasionally c. my dad. my mom's guilt is a powerful thing. anyway, i plan to spend the day after thanksgiving sleeping late and mooching around the house and working on my nanonovel and maybe i'll see a movie and get my comics. and eat leftovers. :D

the reunion part might be fun, and it might turn out that i do actually care what all these people have been up to for the past ten or so years, but really, i don't want to stay with jodi overnight. i don't want to have to deal with her. and that's what makes me feel like a bad friend.

so this isn't all mememe, and because i should pay it forward:

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not so much with the nostalgia, triumph over technology, memes

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