spn - 4x10

Nov 20, 2008 22:01

(heaven and hell)

"try j-date." heh. (did sera write this one? i don't actually want to know if dean's been trolling jewish dating sites. altho, speaking as a nice jewish girl, i would SO tap that.)

the hypersexual now-blind psychic! i kind of like her better now than i did when they introduced her. i like that the boys kept in touch with her as a useful ally. well, i like recurring characters in general.

you think anna's real bio father is, say, an angel? or a demon. i'm guessing not human, anyway.

bingo! well, kind of - she's a full angel. and she fell. no wonder her dad (ie, god) was so hot to kill her. and that explains why the angels also want her ass. she's, like, deserter!angel.

why's sam doing his research to ruby and not dean? and how exactly does he exercise/bulk up/whatever his power? (that he's not going to do any more....) hm?

kinda funny that everyone's now telling the boys not to get involved in the heaven vs hell thing, when the show has gone to great pains to put them in the middle.

i love that anna fell because she wanted to feel emotions and be human and imperfect. and i also love that her grace is a tangible thing that she can get back to be an angel again, and that a falling angel presents as a meteor. neat. (but she forgot pie in her list of reasons to be human!) i wonder who took her grace, tho, and if they knew what it was.... i'm going to go with "yes".

(my theory of what-dean-did-in-hell is that he was, like, alistair's assistant torturer. explains how they'd know each other and why uriel would insist that sam ask dean what dean did in hell, implying that whatever it was, was unforgivably bad. and also why he doesn't want to tell sam - or anna - what he remembers.) (and she knows. but he still can't talk about it.)

aw, sex in the back seat! and dean finally gets his sex scene. (song's super cheesy, tho.) i have a happyface. :D

i actually kind of like uriel. he's a heartless bastard but he's got personality. and he's smart. he does actually understand people, or at least he understands dean and knows what his biggest weakness is, because as has been amply demonstrated, dean will give up his own soul before he'll let anyone take sam. poor anna didn't stand a chance.

i lovelovelove how anna took out alistair. "close your eyes!" that is a damn fine effect, i have to say. (did she say she was castiel's boss back when she was an angel? because he couldn't touch alistair but she took him out like *that*.)

"it looks over to me, junkless." heee.

"she's probably happy, wherever she is." "i doubt it." i feel bad for anna, actually. she really, really wanted to be human. and now she's probably gone home just to be punished. and dean totally gets it.

is this where dean opens up to sam? or where sam is understanding so dean doesn't have to? or both?

forty years, jesus. he was prometheus - every day they cut out his liver and every night it grew back. thirty years is an impressive amount of time to hold out, tho. and my theory about alistair was actually right.

oh, dean, honey. :(

(true confession: up until about 8:50 i was so unexcited about this episode that i was seriously considering not watching until tomorrow, when i could download it. i was going to watch sunday's true blood instead. i'm glad i changed my mind. this episode was SO MUCH BETTER than last week's, oh my god.)

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