Discussion Post

Feb 07, 2011 19:55


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Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 10 2011, 06:53:03 UTC
I think this was the discussion about Zuckerberg knowing about the share dilution tactics, or if it was just Sean Parker and Peter Thiel. It kind of spun off into a bunch of other things that were kind of tl;dr for the prompt thread.
So here's where you discuss if they were really friends, why the hell would a business student give a CS major money ever, and how meta we can get with a movie within a movie within a fanfic within a fandom.
And stuff.


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 10 2011, 06:56:52 UTC
Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. thisissirius February 10 2011, 09:25:38 UTC
i have a hard time believing that mark didn't know anything about the dilution beforehand. he's the ceo of the company. he would have read the contracts before they were given to eduardo. to counter the argument that LOL MARK WOULDNT READ CONTRACTS:

this is facebook related, something we ALL know mark takes seriously. he would have read the contracts.

it's possible he was, not hoping exactly, but well yeah, hoping eduardo would see the clause - and what he was trying to do - and confront him, getting everything out in the open. thus, getting eduardo back for the freezing of the accounts.

(this is all plausible within the confines of the movie; mark's already proved he can be a dick when he's angry with someone - look at what he did/created with his anger at erica.)

while it's possible that mark didn't know before eduardo signed, i think it's highly unlikely. the way mark behaves - that scene where mark's asking him to come back for the party? where he says yeah in this voice that, i dont know, just goes WHAT for me. i think he ( ... )


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 10 2011, 12:03:48 UTC
:O where did you get those pics from? DUSTIN <3


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 10 2011, 13:13:21 UTC
That's from 'How Did They Ever Make a Movie of Facebook?' - the 'making of' documentary that's on the DVD. I don't have any screencaps right now, but in the ~break-up scene~, you can see that Dustin's monitor has post-it notes stuck on it.


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. thisissirius February 10 2011, 21:08:25 UTC
here :)

... )


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 10 2011, 15:47:41 UTC
....unrelated, but that fucking handwriting looks like a five year old's.
That's what you get from never ever ever handwriting anything ever. *looks surreptitiously around* what?


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. lynnmathews February 10 2011, 22:52:01 UTC
Haha, ouch. Mark, such an asshole!

This makes me wonder, though -- I mean, most of the fics we see have Eduardo remaining friendly with Dustin and Chris while estranged from Mark, or maybe Mark 'gets custody' of them but Eduardo accepts them right back into his life after making up with Mark. But, honestly, this makes it pretty clear that Dustin, at least, knew as well, and didn't make any attempt to stop it. And, sure, you might be able to excuse that (Mark was his boss, after all) enough to be able to not hate him, but who would want to actually stay friends with a guy who made not attempt to warn you about something like that? (Within the context of the movie, that is -- Mark and Eduardo being best friends, and within fandom, of the four of them being pretty close and of Eduardo being in love with Mark.)

Seems like Eduardo would probably have some justified anger at Dustin and Chris as well, and even if he did make up with Mark, would he really just snap right back into being besties with the wonder boys


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. thisissirius February 10 2011, 22:57:16 UTC
I think less so with Chris than with Dustin; Chris isn't around in the last scene, after all.

I do agree about Dustin, though. I've wanted to write fic for ages about this scenario, since I watched the DVD and saw those post-its. That said, I also think that Dustin's relationship with Mark has to be taken into account at this point. Like it or not, Mark's his boss. If he knows about the shares, tells Wardo - and Wardo finds out, goes to Mark etc. then Mark will know it was Dustin that divulged the information. Maybe Mark threatens him ( ... )


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. lynnmathews February 10 2011, 23:22:27 UTC
I've wanted to write fic for ages about this scenario You should, I love your stuff! ;) And I love fandom's Dustin, so seeing something focused a little more on how he deals with the whole situation would be cool ( ... )


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 11 2011, 01:10:12 UTC
What I got for the movie was that Mark felt that Eduardo wasn't on board with Facebook's vision - that he was too stubbornly set in his own idea of how Facebook's development should go (i.e. ads) and was looking at it too much from a business perspective. I think Mark felt that Eduardo wasn't even willing to listen to him about why getting advertisers at that point would be a bad idea; and most importantly, that for Eduardo, Facebook didn't come first, which was proved by Eduardo freezing the account (he was willing to put Facebook in danger just to get Mark's attention).


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 11 2011, 01:14:10 UTC
*from the movie


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 11 2011, 02:55:20 UTC
But Dustin wasn't so throughly engrained in the company financially . He was just a shareholder, he wasn't the CF-bloody-O.
From that whole post it exchange, you could get the idea that dustin knew SOMETHING was going on, but he wasn't told explicitly.

On the other topic, the story is supposed to be a CYOA. Sorkin has said that a billion times in interviews; he wants the audience to choose who they think is right, Mark, Eduardo, or the Winklevii (or some combination of the three). Although, IMHO, the movie overwhelmingly comes out to try to make Mark not look like such a dick, they wanted the motive for his dickishness to be unclear, because if it were completely clear, it'd be harder to take his side.
By trying to sort of make us think that maybe mark called the cops on Sean, that maybe Mark felt bad about kicking Eduardo out for any of those reasons (gay based, crappy CFO based, and as most hinted, jealousy based), it causes the audience to create an opinion. That's the mark of a great movie, imho.


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 11 2011, 00:56:41 UTC
I guess you could argue that Eduardo doesn't know that Dustin knew about it? I mean, it's not like he saw those notes, and perhaps they just never talked about Mark or Facebook afterwards because it was such a touchy subject. Though tbh I'm not sure what I could see happening more, Eduardo asking Dustin (and/or Chris) whether he knew about the dilution or Eduardo not wanting to mention it at all.


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 10 2011, 20:57:53 UTC
For me it was pretty much the fact that Mark was completely unsurprised by Eduardo's anger after poor Wardo first learns about it? I mean, if Mark supposedly didn't know anything about it (which is ludicrous) then wouldn't he have been at least a LITTLE bit like, "Um what are you talking about Wardo? I didn't do anything!" Instead he says, "it's not my fault you made a bad business deal with your own company." Also the idea of Mark being completely unknowledgable about such a huge plan in his own company is laughable. He definitely knew. He knew every little thing that was going with Facebook. There's just no two ways about it. He and Sean got together and figured out how to do it. As Marks says "i dont know business stuff" so he needs Sean to help with that, but come on. If Mark DID know business stuff, he WOULD have done the exact same thing to Wardo except without Sean ( ... )


Re: Moved from the 2nd thread. anonymous February 10 2011, 21:35:12 UTC
They were not even that great friends! They were in the same class at Harvard and Eduardo had a reputation of being a rich Brazilian guy, so Mark told Eduardo all about his idea of facebook, and Eduardo decided to invest. This makes no sense to me. Everyone was doing a website at Harvard back then. And Facebook's concept was never and has never been particularly innovative. And while Zuckerberg had a rep as genius programmer, he hadn't had a rep for coming up with unique and winning innovations. Writing code and having a winning concept are totally separate abilities ( ... )


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