Title: Sensual Rhythms
Author: the lady of shallot
Email: shallot@intimations.org
Live Journal:
astalatRating: NC-17
Pairing: Jim/Blair
Summary: Oshun takes and interest in the lives of a very clueless Sentinel and Guide
Direct Link:
Sensual RhythmsAuthor's Page:
http://www.intimations.org/fanfic/ Reason for Recommending: They should add Hubbalicious to the rating system. NC-17 sounds so clinical and just doesn't really do justice to a story as sexy, as fun or as sensual as this one.
"I think I've figured it out," he said, bouncing slightly on the bed. Jim raised an eyebrow inquiringly as he went on, "Last night, I was on this major adrenaline high. And adrenaline is closely connected to pheromone production. So I was probably giving off pheromones, and the incense I was using was very sensual, so the combination probably triggered your instincts. And I was already primed, all this energy with nowhere to go, and that must have done it." Blair looked at him expectantly.