Title: The Wrong End of the Story
Authors: Julad and Calico
Email: julad@yearningvoid.net, cal@yearningvoid.net
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jim/Blair
Summary: It was a dark and stormy night...
Direct Link:
http://www.yearningvoid.net/julad/wrongend.htmlAuthors Pages:
http://www.yearningvoid.net/stories/julad/ and
http://www.yearningvoid.net/calico/ Reasons for Recommending: I know Halloween is over, but I couldn't resist recommending this story anyway. This spooky story. It sure as hell scared me, but then again, I read it late at night, with the only light in the house coming from my computer screen. The scariness works on a couple of different levels, first from the horror story Jim tells and second from the actual danger Jim and Blair find themselves in. The writing itself is so vivid, you can picture the events unfolding like a movie.
Jim glared at him. "Sandburg, you can't even know which one it is. They all start like that."
"Is it the serial killer in the trunk? The honeymooners and the old couple in the mountain cabin? The hitch-hiking ghost? The babysitter and the dog under the bed?"
"No. I said, it's not one you've heard."
"Look, I've read a dozen studies of urban legends and I know them all."
"You don't know this one," Jim said, and there were layers of meaning there, clinging like fog to the weary hardness in his voice.
(This is one of my favorites too, a *deeply* disturbing piece of writing...)