File 48 - A New Beginning

Mar 20, 2010 22:53

It's finally over. The mystery has been solved and the truth that we sought after for so long has finally been revealed. In the end, life triumphed over death, light over darkness, creativity over entropy. The Goddess of Destruction could not shatter the bonds that we had forged, and together, we were able to defeat her and dispel the fog from that world forever. With Senpai's help, and that of Izanagi-no-Okami, we were able to bring about a new world...

The realm shaped by human thought... Who knew such a beautiful world lay enshrouded by the fog? It's like a primordial Japan during the Age of the Gods, pure and unspoiled by human hands. Cloud-covered mountains, crystal clear rivers, rolling fields of grass as far as the eye can see... It's so breathtakingly beautiful, so... nostalgic, somehow. And to think, this world exists in the hearts of all people... I wish that everyone could see this place.

No longer shall we be led astray by false images. No longer will we be content with seeing only what we wish to see. We are the children of men. We are the future. The truth shall shine within our hearts forever, and that light shall endure until the end of time.

tohru adachi, misumi nagisa, !canon move, ema skye, rock light [mega man], eris, issei ryudo, gilbert bielschmidt [prussia], !true ending, rukia kuchiki, saguru hakuba

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