
Oct 28, 2006 14:35

OOh. Just finished season two. ( I think it's ok to talk about it, it has been finished for weeks now) So what's that all about then? I did laugh when the bunker was exploding and everything was whooshing about their head's and Locke say's 'I was wrong'. Why did no one seem that bothered by the deafening white light that engulfed the island? No one mentioned it! And that was Libby who gave Desmond the boat wasn't it? ARGH! I don't understand. And the big green bird?!
Anyway, it's too dark today. I should probably carry on reading, but I do seem to be looking at Lost things on here. Should probably stop, bound to come across something I don't want to see. I think there's an open day here today. I've just seen a big crowd of people wander through carrying Kingston brand plastic bags. I remember my open day, didn't see the halls or the campus I would be studying at. God, that seem's like forever ago.
I think everyone has gone home for reading week, it'd dead. There's only three cars in the carpark.
Going to meet Jess later then we're heading to Lucy and Kev's for mexican food and film fun! Which will be nice.
AND THE STATUE FOOT! why? Four toes! .. *snigger*


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