Reading Week.

Oct 27, 2006 16:52

Reading week next week hurrah! I got the Virginia Woolf essay out of the way yesterday, so I don't have to think about that, although I do have to take it to the Academic Skills Centre who will tell me my punctuation is rubbish. I'm going to try and get the first assignment for EIA done too. I started it earlier, but it's about something which I find death inducingly dull. It isn't going to be one of my best I think. That's ok though. The more I can get done over reading week the less I'll have to do at Christmas, which is good. I wan't to be able to enjoy Christmas. Also, if we're moving at the beginning of Jan I don't want to be worrying about it then.
Oh yes, I went to the doctors this morning. It wasn't actually a doctor, it was a nurse. Who told me she wasn't allowed to generate a prescription for me and then proceeded to do it anyway. She also tried to give me condoms, I do wish people would stop it. She's the third person to force them on me. Rather worryingly she said when she's not working they get a student in. I'm presuming she meant a med/nursing student and not you know, Journalism or something. On my way home I saw a cat actually stuck in a tree. I thought that only happened on Fireman Sam. It was mewing and doing the tentative paw thing that cats do. It did look silly. By the time I walked back again it was gone, so i'm assuming a fire engine was called.
I'm going to read until 6, then watch lots more Lost.
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