1. Hulloh! What's your name? Nasua
2. And how're you doing? Meh..I've been better.
3. Great! Name three qualities you look for in a roommate.Someone whos, well....not there...ever...I really don't care...as long as they just aren't there..I like my space...but if they must be there then please don't let them be annoying.
4. Do you value shiny objects? Do I ever!?....
5. More than the well-being of your friends and family? ummm Some maybe...
6. Do sane people make good pets? No, they are always talking back..never listen..stupid sane people.
7. Are you a good pet? I claw furniture and Bite...I might be rabid too...Ya never know.
8. If there is something, anything you really want, but the only way to get it is by kicking a puppy, would you do it?Hell Ya...*kicks puppy*..I'm a cat person anyways...
9. When you look back into the past, what do you see?Nothing of great importance.
10. How do you cope with anger? Swallow it perhaps? Or vent it on somebody Something else? I always take it out on other people, weather I mean to or not..Always happens...I also have a tendency to break stuff..then I get even more mad cause its normally my stuff I've broken...
11. What is one thing you do get angry about almost daily? Ignorant people..I hate Ignorant people...they drive me Insane >.<'
12. Do you enjoy letting others do your dirty work for you? Not really...people aren't trustworthy..they'll Mess it all up.
13. How about clean work then? Do you think you often need the support of
others? No I'm good..I can do it myself........maybe I'm a bit OCD.....
Would you give your life to...
14. ...save your friends? Just like 1 of them....the others *shrugs* oh well.
15. ...save your family? Yeah Probably...some...
16. ...save the world? Not my Job.
17. ...destroy the world? I'm not going to kill myself to do it..But If I'm already dieing...may as well take everyone with me ^-^
18. On a scale from 1 to 10 - how's your mental stability doing? a steady 5 I'd say.
19. Will you shut up if I give you a cookie? *snatches Cookie* No....probably not.
Pickable results (for voters): Yami Marik/Bakura/Yami