Yami's love Yami Yogurt

Jun 08, 2007 22:57

1. Hulloh! What's your name? I’m Kat. :D
2. And how're you doing? I’m sleepy, but I’m alright~.

3. Great! Name three qualities you look for in a roommate. Easy-going, nice, and respects me and my belongings.

4. Do you value shiny objects? Yes, I do. I like shinies.
5. More than the well-being of your friends and family? …How shiny and how big is this shiny we are talking about? No, I value my friends and family more than any shiny, of course.

6. Do sane people make good pets? No. They’re hard to house train, believe it or not. And they’re whiny~ and yappy~. D:
7. Are you a good pet? Just because I tend to do what people tell me to do without question, that does not make me a good pet. DD:
8. If there is something, anything you really want, but the only way to get it is by kicking a puppy, would you do it? No. I love puppies. *huggles the puppy*

9. When you look back into the past, what do you see? Rough times, me becoming a stranger to myself, and then finding happiness and slowly going back to the way I was before I locked my heart away.
10. How do you cope with anger? Swallow it perhaps? Or vent it on somebody Something else? I vent about it on the inside, but on the outside I try to hide it. Then later on I may or may not talk to someone about what happened, it all depends on the situation and who was involved.
11. What is one thing you do get angry about almost daily? Well~, I don’t get angry daily. It’s hard to get me angry, depending on what you do. But since I’ve been watching Animal Planet lately, I’ll go with mistreatment of animals. D8 How can people do that?

12. Do you enjoy letting others do your dirty work for you? No. I wouldn’t trust them to do it right.
13. How about clean work then? Do you think you often need the support of
others? I wouldn’t let them do the work for me. I would ask them to help me, so that I can learn how to do it, and so I don’t feel like such a freeloader.

Would you give your life to...
14. ...save your friends? Yes.
15. ...save your family? Yes. …and no, I guess. It’s complicated…
16. ...save the world? *thinks* I guess so… if only to make sure my friends stayed alive.
17. ...destroy the world? Wait, so I’d die, and the world would die? That’d be kinda stupid…
“Hey, guess what, I died so I could destroy the world! :DD”
“…then you must be in the bad place, because now we’re going to chase you around for all eternity, and then when we catch you-well, you don’t want to know.”
“o-o *starts running!*”
That’s a no.

18. On a scale from 1 to 10 - how's your mental stability doing? 1 being bad and 10 being excellent? Mm~, nowadays I’d say about a 7. I’m still relatively stable, but the stress of finals and stuff is getting to me a little.

19. Will you shut up if I give you a cookie? o-o … is it chocolate chip?

Pickable results (for voters): Yami Marik/Bakura/Yami

yami - yugi

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