I just wanted to thank
yonihamagid for letting me participate in Purim with him and his family and friends. I had never gone to a Jewish service of any kind before. He talked me through the entire thing, from what to wear and when to stand and sit (and where to sit so as not to be noticed) to the traditions. At the end of the evening I was given a chance to try the traditional food of the feast (Hamantashen) which was really good. I was also told that there are many feast foods that aren't nearly that tasty, but that one is quite wonderful.
I will admit to feeling a bit lost at times, as the entire service was conducted in Hebrew. I was given a "training" Megilla to follow along, but since I couldn't even recognize the letters I couldn't really make much more than a guess as to when the words changed. I knew enough to listen for the name of Haman and rattle my noise-maker. I stood when everyone else did and sat when everyone else did. It was a bit like trying to follow along to a Roman Catholic mass in that way but slightly more disorienting.
I love feeling that lost though. It was a truly foreign but not remotely threatening. I'm tempted to try and pick up rudimentary Hebrew so I can at least follow the readings, but that might need to wait until I've actually finished a few other things.
I would like to see the same celebration at a reformed synagogue at some point as well so I can compare... but I feel truly blessed to have gotten to experience this. It was great. Thank you again!