...when they are accompanied by a nasty cold. Ugh. I had Monday and Tuesday off, but I spent Monday through Wednesday really miserable with a sore throat and sinus ick. I do not approve of this nonsense.
I also don't approve of the way dead white kids make this country lose its collective shit. I do have some hope that some actual gun-control measures may come out of this, but I do NOT hold out hope that we'll do much about our mental health system or other substantive things that would actually make a difference. We'd rather weep and rend our clothes publicly over those poor babies and talk about giving guns to teachers, than do any deep thinking about ourselves. Also, it annoys me every time the media talks about there being 26 victims. Apparently, his first victim just doesn't count. (truth be told, there are 28 dead victims here, but I gave up that battle a long time ago)
In happier news, I saw The Hobbit on Sunday with
aerye, and that I HIGHLY approve of. I was not a big fan of the much-debated 48FPS- it was a weird mix between something that looked like a video game during action sequences, and a PBS drama during non-actiony sequences.
I will admit to not being the hugest LOTRs fan. I enjoyed the first movie, and was pretty much MEH about the other two. But I enjoyed this very much! I think the main difference really just comes down to Martin Freeman. I would, as they say, be happy to watch him read the phone book, so trudging around the countryside and sparring with Gollum, is a bonus. I am sad we have to wait another year to see more!
I also spent many of my miserable sick-hours this week watching eps of Friday Night Lights. I started watching it on Netflix back when I was moving, and just picked it up again last week. I think I'm up to the last season at this point. And damn, that was a really good show! Everyone who told me they handled abortion well, was right. They did mostly good job, even though the plot was weirdly isolated to only effecting the Taylor's, and then was completely dropped. (you'd think that the mom who started the whole fuss would have maybe not been mollified when Tami moved to her son's own school?) But still, big kudos to this show for handling both disability and abortion pretty deftly. They haven't been quite as deft at the race stuff in these last two seasons, but I guess we can't have everything.
Hey, if the world doesn't end tomorrow, I'll be back! With more actual content on my journal! Yay!
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