I am late to the party, but I posted over on kouredios'
friending meme and now I'm wading through the other entries looking for new like-minded people. I really do want to see a resurgence of fannishness on DW/LJ, because as much as tumblr looks like fun, it just does not do fandom the way I like to do fandom. I know I'm going to have to break down as some point and join, because that's where all the picspam and general squee has moved, but I miss good old-fashion conversation.
Also, look at my adorable new Stiles icon, courtesy of paintedmaypole! I really really heart Stiles. I'm going to have to talk about that at some point.
I'm currently in the middle of a 4 day weekend, and it's lovely. I got to December with way too much vacation and comp time banked that I can't carry over to next year, so instead of losing it, I'm just taking off about 2 days every week this month. It's kind of awesome, except I really need to learn how to take more vacations, clearly. So far, I've slept in a lot, watched a lot of tv, finished reading "A Feast of Crows", and went to see Lincoln. Tomorrow, I'm going to try and do some holiday shopping.
I enjoyed Lincoln quite a bit. I definitely agree with some of the criticism of it, especially the lack of actual black people who were involved in abolition. But I also love politics in all its ugly and messy glory, and I like that this part of the story got told. Also, I generally can't stand Daniel Day-Lewis' acting, but he managed to pull himself back and not chew every piece of scenery around him, and I have to give him props. Also, um, I was seriously hormonal yesterday, because I not only cried twice during the movie, but I teared up during the preview for Les Miserables when they played
Do You Hear the People Sing. I'm usually a pretty cynical bitch, but certain things kill me and that song is one of them. Sheesh.
And with that embarrassing admission, I leave you. :)
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