My first attempt at an icon dump.

Mar 30, 2010 14:36

So I saw sadlygrove's post of icons from this neko generator, and decided to make my own. Since it's not fun to keep them all to myself, I decided to share them with all of you!

hetalia asian nekotachi!1234




Generated by Malionette's Icon Table Generator
Crediting me when using the icons is fine (and I do have to admit it will make my heart swell with pride), but I guess it's better to thank the generator for this, da?

Hetalia: World Series is owned by Hidekaz Himaruya. The Asian OCs are from random DeviantArt drawings. The Philippines and East Timor-chan are from the headcanon over at hetalia_ph. These icons were created using the aforementioned neko generator and PhotoShop. The idea was takenI'msorryIknowthatIstoleitbutwhywastheideasocuteanyway? from sadlygrove.

* the cloth that defines a nation, ~ the forgotten land down south, ~ that shy southern sultanate, ~ plum blossom beauty, ~ rice paddle sweetheart, ~ the master of fireworks, ~ the smiling kingdom of elephants, ~ cuteness in the southeast seas, @ drawn versions of thine imagination, @ iconized versions of imagination, ~ the land of chrysanthemum, ~ the angkor wat-whatever, ~ pearl of the orient, north korea, ~ the unlucky elder sister, ~ cleanliness is not their fault, ~ the little sister left behind by times, ~ four thousand years and counting, myanmar (burma)

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