It's my birthday! *heart*

Mar 29, 2010 18:08

*stares at avatar*

Ehrm... ehem. What I meant to say is that, if that *pointa to avatar* happened in real life, I will forever be grateful to Iggy <3 (sorry FrUK fans!)

Anyway, it's my birthday today, and because of a Philippine thing called 'color-coding' we are stuck here in the house; I don't mind. Mom gave me more spaghetti (PASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~) and her scrumptious carrot cake, with cream cheese frosting and everything<3! I guess that it being my birthday was the reason why they didn't bat an eyelash when I stole glances at the I'll have to be quicker tomorrow, ne

Oh! And I can't help but listen to Невеста, from kapusta17's FST! It's awesome! But what does it say about me when my cellphone's ringtone is a Russian song about a girl who wants to be someone's bride and reminds me of a certain (cute) Belarusian psycho?

So... that's all for now, I guess I still haven't changed.

PS: Look at the layout! I got it from
, isn't it pretty? (I made the banner in PhotoShop with Yunomi's pics from, though. I can't believe how quick it was.)

PSS: damagectrl-senpai, gomen nasai! I will choose from your website, I'm sure of that, but I just can't decide yet~! And even if I do get to decide, I'll be going to visit Xianggang-kun for most of the first half of April, without any Internet access! (must start weaning self off Internet-NEVER.) So sorry, and thanks!\

PSSS: disownmereturns-senpai, please tell me if what I've written as a 'request' was too complicated, so that I may replace it.

// draw a circle and see earth, music, = thine mind's side-tracking itself, * edible things that make me happy, = the most cruel and yet necessary life

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