The truth is, I AM a part-time paper crane folding girl. ~.~

Mar 31, 2010 16:51

First off is France, by himself. I put him there as punishment for doing something inappropriate to one of my stuffed bears, ironically named "Russia".

The Italy brothers("Ve~ niisan, the lady with the camera has pasta~!" "T-tomato sauce? S-shut up, Veneziano!"), UK ("Why is there no bloody table in this place?"), Russia (~.~), and US ([a]w[a]!).

...and then we have China, Japan, and Germany (who seems to be more than happy to get out of the picture).
This is basically all of them in one shot, but it's too big so maybe I'll just link to it then:Group picture!

Since I hadn't made it clear, this is all for wizzard890 (I know that I don't know her IRL, but I do think she's an awesome person-after all, she's one of the two awesome persons who write this:*points to "Favorite Fanfic" link above*; may she get well very soon to give us more RU/US goodness! Ha, anyway, just rest and get better)over at this crane-folding collaboration at carepackage! Since everyone is welcome to join, why don't you post with snaps of your own cranes?

// draw a circle and see earth, origami, = thine mind's side-tracking itself, = the most cruel and yet necessary life

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