New Experience

Jul 10, 2007 11:44

I'm excited about today - I get a change from my usual routine of classwork and housework.  I'm meeting my new friend Sandy, we're getting something light to eat, and heading to BELLY DANCING class!  Sandy's been going for awhile, but it's my first time.  I've been interested in taking classes for awhile (as well as getting a tattoo and starting yoga, but I guess one thing at a time).  There are several women from my new school who also participate in this class, so I'm looking forward to getting to know them, too.  I can't wait to learn some of those sensuous movements!

I went with my daughter Lindsay to see License to Wed yesterday.  (She works part-time at the theater, so she can get me in free).  It was cute in a trite kind of way.  The funniest part involved the couple taking care of simulated robotic babies for a day - those baby dolls were a riot!   They weren't terriby cute, and fussed and moved constantly . . . well, you'd just have to see it.  I laughted really hard, which I haven't done for a while, so it was good.


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