Lazy Day

Jul 08, 2007 14:14

My goal for today was to not do any work on my classes, and concentrate on housework since none of the kids are home.  However, as things go, I sat down at the computer because, of course, I didn't feel like cleaning.  Do I ever?  I decided to get some of the background reading done on my courses for the week  to see what was in store for me, and I'm glad I did.  Both projects are rather involved and, thankfully, I have two weeks to do the powerpoint.  On the webquest class I'm down to the crux of the design, which predictably is stirring up anxieties.  I get overwhelmed by the entire process, seeing the big picture but struggling to find the steps to get to it (thanks, I'm sure to my ADD).  I keep telling myself to take it slow, go step by step . . .  I'll just be glad when I get this part is finished.

I downloaded 3 new userpics today.  I love finding different representations for my moods and thoughts.  Makes me feel mysterious.

I've probably stalled enough and should get something accomplished.  I may start refinishing the coffee table.  That would be "working," but more fun than, say, vacuuming. 

everyday life

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