Who: Ada Wong and Albert Wesker.
Where: The streets not far from Zelda's makeshift hospital.
When: After
this thread.
Summary: Wesker isn't so happy when Ada blabs that she's been toying with him.
Rating: Just PG-13. Some leering.
She was beginning to suspect she had a death wish. Granted it had never been in Ada's character to back down from a threat. Even if, in retrospect, most of what she'd said had been a bad idea. Bad ideas were bad enough. Bad ideas piled on top of Ihy's compulsive divulging of true feelings, well... Were she another person, Ada might have been kicking herself. In light of things, however, Ada was moving. Not particularly interested in sticking around to deal with an irritated Wesker--even if his irritation would more than likely increase when he was unable to find her--Ada slide out the door and closed it behind her.
It really didn't help matters that Wesker knew precisely where this place was, or that his temper had been too entertaining to leave while he was still sending her messages. No.
The hookshot that never left her side was out of it's holster, not to be used as a weapon, but Ada had always preferred being above the situation. Saddly, not many of the buildings were stable enough for her to go leaping through the city, but an initial vantage point would be nice. Her gait wasn't exactly strolling, but neither was it loping, and she wasn't darting between cover either. Whatever confidence, foolish or otherwise, Ada had, still held out. Staying one step ahead of Wesker was what she'd done for however long. She could do it again.
And some part of her wondered if those words still worked.