random whining

Aug 25, 2011 14:21

Technology is our friend. Until it isn't. *le sigh*

I've had home internet access issues for a while now. I've narrowed it down to the cable connecting my laptop to the modem. There is a fault..somewhere. As long as the cable is positioned just so, there is a 50-50 shot of interet access for more than a couple of minutes. But if the cable - heaven forbid! - shifts at the wrong moment... Posting, commenting, internet banking - it's all a bit of a challenge.

At lunch I went to a place I don't normally go to pick up a new cable. I went in, they asked what I was looking for and drew a blank when I explained, finally waving a hand toward a wall where all the 'computer stuff' was. I swear that person wouldn't know an ethernet cable from a cable-knit sweater.

I believe I got the right cable (packaging was not terribly clear, but it looks right). So, here's hoping that tonight I'm back on the 'net at home.

Exercise is going well so far. I managed to get to the gym twice last week, and it looks like it'll be 3 thimes this week. The plan is to go Friday. Next week I'll go chat with someone about membership options.

And I'll have to start a spreadsheet or something to track my progress... *snicker*

Took Mom to get her hair cut last night and got my hair trimmed - only about 3 inches, but now I can use the toilet without...incident. /o\

I've been watching promos for new fall shows. Meh.

I'm tired of being tired. The unsettled weather has been hell on my joints and sinuses, which means non-restful nights. And the meds to deal with the aches just brings on a whole other set of issues, so still no restful nights. *sigh*

Vanity plate spotted on a little red sports car: TAX GUY
Seriously? That plate on that car? Is that wise?

I should probably try to look busy now...

health, gym, techno-woe, whining, random

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