
Jun 03, 2010 21:27

Okay, before I start, can I get a W-T-F from the team?

Thanks, girls.

Our internet provider at work is moving our email. It was supposed to happen today, so I followed the instructions and had the account settings changed. Of course, there was a hitch. What the deuce is the password?!

Since we are now a 2-person company, I have become tech support and sys admin. They guy who used to do this stuff? Failed at documentation. The passwords on file were from, um, maybe 5 or 6 years ago under a different system.

A panic call to the internet provider tech support connected me with a nice guy who patiently walked me through a few things. So, at least, tomorrow - when the migration actually takes place - I'll know what to do.

~~~ ~ ~~~

Mom drama abounds. There had been tears and accusations between her and Sis. That has mostly settled down, but the upshot is that Sis feels she is no longer part of this family and that my friend L has taken over as the daughter. *sigh* On top of that is the whole thing about how I never invite them over for dinner. I'll give her that one. I don't like Sis - she's a bomb waiting to go off and it is exhausting to be in her presence. That said, they are coming for dinner Saturday (maybe) and I said I'll cook.

Mom drama - Mom got all exciting and told Sis that I wanted to show her I can cook. The hell? I don't give a rat's ass what Sis thinks of my cooking ability or lack thereof. But when I asked Mom why she said that...tears and apologies and mea culpas all over the place. Again, I say the hell? Mom is sort of okay now, but still acts all 'I've been beaten and now you're threatening my puppy'.

Of course I now feel like the Ultimate Bitch.

I'm exhausted - I really need a little 'me' time. However, that only comes after Mom goes to bed, so I get maybe an hour since I have to go to bed at a reasonable time so I can get up for work.

~~~ ~ ~~~

And tomorrow is another day. And I've got plotbunnies playing at my feet when I'm awake and nibbling my brain when I'm in bed. *whimper*

family, work, techno-woe

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