Jun 17, 2011 18:52
What is the world coming to?
I feel like a granny for saying that, but seriously, what the fuck? People don't have jobs, the cost of living is high, the education system is pumping out drop-outs, and gay folks still can't have the same rights as straight people. When is all this stupid bullshit going to end?
I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm, personally, a little frightened to have children one day for fear that they'll have a shitty teacher and not learn anything. Thanks to Oprah and the movie "Waiting for Superman", I learned that it only takes two consecutive years with bad teachers and your kid could be academically fucked for life. On top of the fact that I see on an almost daily basis the effects on kids who get passed along in schools because of that crap-tastic No Child Left Behind law and get to high school and can barely read or have no basic math skills. Failing is an indication that the kid didn't learn anything; why would you "place them" in the next grade up when they don't have the skills to advance to the next level? I'm sure that the person/people that put this law into order aren't sending their own children to public schools. How can our country be great when we're creating idiots?
Speaking of public schools, I just read an article on Yahoo! about Mexico protesting the new immigration bill in Georgia. The new law, starting July 1, requires police to check the immigration status of anyone they arrest, will make employers check the status of new hires and make it a crime to pay illegal immigrants at a place of employment. Mexico and a bunch of other South American countries are suppose to be working to get this law stopped because they want to "ensure that its citizens present in the United States are accorded the human and civil rights granted under the U.S. Constitution". Um, okay...
Now, I don't know all the legal redtape and all the details to this whole fuss over immigration laws and enforcement, but I do have an opinion based on what I do know: send the illegals home. I am an equal rights supporter for everyone and I don't think anyone should be discriminated because of their color, sex, religion, origin, sexual preference, credit score, academic record, or anything like that, but I don't think that it's right for people who are here illegally to have to same rights and benefits as a legal American citizen. Because if I took my Black ass to Mexico without a passport or some other sort of legal documentation, you can best believe that I would be sent to jail faster than you can say "Somebody call my lawyer". No questions asked. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Yet, someone can cross the border, have a baby, and sign up for welfare and other benefits that I, a legal tax payer (whether I want to or not), are paying for. So why should people who aren't here legally be given the same rights under the U.S. constitution when you're not a U.S. citizen? That just doesn't make sense to me.
And please don't even get me started on people spending 20, 30, 40 years living in America (usually illegally) and not being able to speak the language! If I moved to France, the people there would expect me to speak French because that's the official language; they wouldn't have all these interpreters and have things translated into three or four different languages because in France they speak french. And if you can't speak french or don't care to learn, then you're shit outta luck. Last time I checked, in America, the official language is english. If you decide to take up (legal) residence here, I think you should learn to speak english. Is it really that much to ask? Stop catering to people when if we went to their native country, they wouldn't be catering to us. If this country stopped rewarding people who are breaking the rules, I feel like our country would be economically in better shape. For those people who enter this country properly and go through the correct steps to be granted citizenship, I welcome any and all with open arms. America was built by people from other countries who came to our shores and went through immigration the right way. Those are the people who deserve free health care and education, not someone who snuck in the country and then had an anchor baby to reap the benefits.
Also, because of this article, I learned that back during the Great Depression and after World War I and II, the president in office at the time created laws that deported all the illegal immigrants to make jobs for Americans who needed them and for servicemen coming home from defending our country. I'm not sure how this was accomplished, but I'm not thinking that it's too bad of an idea. Part of me feels bad because I know that there are people who are risking their lives to come to America because they're escaping hardship, but do it the right way. And can we please stop granting automatic citizenship to babies born to illegal parents? If I went to Mexico illegally and had a baby there, ME AND MY BABY would be getting deported. Other countries have their own immigration laws that they uphold and enforce; it would be nice if America could do the same.
I'm sure this will be an ongoing debate and I know that some people will disagree, but I do hope that it will expose people to what's really going on in this country and in the world today. Oh my God, I am officially an "adult" after this rant. I feel old, so to make myself feel better, I'm gonna go listen to Britney Spears, go read some celebrity gossip on Crunk and Disorderly, and do something frivolous, like shop at the mall. God Bless America!
P.S. And don't think because I was naming Mexico I dislike Mexicans; there are illegal immigrants from all over the world in this country and they should be deported too.