My new job status.

May 20, 2004 09:37

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I doing ok. I started my new job this Monday and it is going well so far. I am working with my friend Amanda again so at least I have a friend there. The dentist is quiet and stuff and it is a really small office so there is no one really to talk to. There is only one person for each job on one shift. That is ok though. I like it that way. I don't like to get involved with too many people, it gets rough. It is also in Palatine and that is less that 30 min from my house.
Mike started his new job on Monday also. His office only has about 4 people working there. He sais it is boring. That I am asuming is a comparison to his last job at the hospital where there were millions of people to interact with every day. But at his new place no one walks in, it is in a buisness park and people just call for assistance on installing the heated floors. It is called DK Heating Systems. He is still deciding if he likes it. He is unsure about it. See what going to school gets you these days? Nothing. He will never use his EE degree. Oh well, at least we are making money. A lot more money. I got a rais of about $4 more per hour and mike got about $1.50 more at his new job. We are happy and hope all goes well.
We got Willow, Lilly, and Rose harneses and leashes so we could take them all outside. It is so cute. Rose turned 1 year old on Tuesday. Lilly will be turning 1 next month. Aww... my babbies are growning up so fast! Enough rambling here. TTYL friends!
PS: I never check my spelling. You all know I can't spell and I don't care to change it! LOL
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