I've been gritting my teeth.

Jul 19, 2009 17:59

I'm annoyed.

Probably without good reason.

But I've developed this terrible reflex to want to vomit anytime I find out someone within only a few years of me is engaged, married, or pregnant.  It seems like everyday I find out a new person has locked in to the next 65 years of their life.  What makes anyone think that after 20 or so years of experimenting with something as volatile as life, that they can decide they are ready to settle down?  I've only been home for a few months and everyone is so enamored with their own fabricated romantic comedies, they can't see that what they're building their dreams on is a few nice thoughts and a lot of hot air.  I'm about to start placing bets for divorces and mid-life crises.  Who wants in?

To each their own I guess.  I really wish the best to my friends who are setting off on these endeavors.  I truly hope it all works out for them.  I think I'm just getting a little sick of naivety, while still having no idea how to deal with my own.  The only reason I'm so trusting of people, is because I don't know how to call people out (for anyone actually reading this: yes, I have changed the subject).  I'm not stupid, I just don't know what else to do besides play dumb.  Is it odd that at twenty I'm just realizing I don't fit in?

Maybe I'm just paranoid.  I at least know I'm paranoid that I might have paranoia.  Finding out so many "dark family secrets" in one month has certainly been jarring.

Oh well, no worries right?

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