My first attempt at banners....

Apr 04, 2009 18:36

Ok, given making banners a go, took me a while to work out a) the in and outs of photoshop and b) how to post images on here but I've finally overcome adversity (and my own idiocy) and come up with these for the Easter Icontest 2008, as the fantasmic Rochvelleth requested:

Sorry they're not perfect, I forgot to put the 'joint' in the third place ones, and I kept forgetting to check the angle and whatnot of the shadow on the icon, and the first one's got bold and I forgot to do it on the others, and I don't know if they're the size you want, I made them as 500x250 pixels but then I couldn't upload photoshop images so I had to printscreen and save them in Paint so I dunno if that changed it or anything.... But otherwise, I'm pretty pleased with myself! Next time I do some they should hopefully be better.

Hope you like xxx

icontest, winners, banners, mod

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