Community News

Apr 03, 2009 12:36

1) Lest you forget it, we still have a lovely and strictly-for-fun Lent Ficathon going on, so if you have anything to contribute, please do so :) You can find the details here, and the list of stories written for it here (as long as they were tagged correctly. I don't really mind if you go over the nominal deadline of Easter Sunday with those, because there's no competition anyway.

2) The second episode of the new series of Robin Hood is going to be with us tomorrow. From the clips and trailer I've seen, it looks brilliant! As always, please do post your reviews, or links to them, or specific Much thoughts, here in this community. Please do also remember to cut for spoilers - though I think I'm the only one who forgot last time, sorry :(

3) When the Lent Ficathon ends, I'll be posting a new challenge and this one will be for Much/Allan stories, so get your thinking caps on! Would you prefer a competition, or not? Do let me know, because I want you all to enjoy the community as much as possible!

4) If you have any other comments or ideas about the community, please do let me know those as well :)

5) I just checked... and we now have exactly 100 members! Yay! We should have a party, complete with exploding hog's head :D

6) I've decided to introduce a new tagging system for fics (see updated profile). Whenever you write a story, you can tag the post you make in this community with your username (so, I would use the tag 'rochvelleth'). I figured that would create a convenient index of stories by author, for example, so if you're looking for something by a particular author (or indeed something you wrote!) then you can just check out their tag. Now, let me make it clear that I'm not going to go back over all the old entries and add author tags, because I just don't have time - but you can go back and fix your own tags if you like!

Edited to add...


If anyone out there is interested in the following posts, let me know! Here's what's on offer...

Banner Maker: You would make banners for the winners of community challenges. Banners are 500 (w) x 250 (h) pixels, but you would have freedom over how they are composed as long as they have the right sort of text (e.g. 'Treat Much Right X Ficathon 2009, First place: {name of winner} with {name of story}).

Tag Master: You would be in charge of making sure tagging in the community runs smoothly. First there would be the task of going back over all posts in the community (c.290) and adding author tags to stories, as well as checking other tags are correct. You would also have to check each new post to make sure it's tagged correctly. If you'd rather just be commissioned for the back-tagging job, that's fine too.

I know these are pretty thankless tasks, and I can only pay you in Muchlove! But let me know if you're interested.

tags, mod, news

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