Cause and Effect

Apr 05, 2009 12:55

My review of this week's Robin Hood is here, so feel free to come over and read the whole thing :)

And the Much-related thoughts, for Muchlovers...

5) At least Kate got a big hug from Much anyway :D

6) And speaking of Much, his relationship with Allan remains interesting. They always seem to be together these days, don't they? But the bit where Allan teased Much for fancying Kate rather reminded me of his rivalry with Will over Djaq. A rivalry that, as I remember, was illustrated by an awful lot of Allan/Will slash - or maybe that had nothing to do with Djaq at all ;) I hope Much/Allan is different from Allan/Will though, because I don't want to see the same things playing out again.

7) And can I just say hooray for the return of Much's trusty and very beautiful shield?!

8) I notice there's not very much going on between Much and Robin though... I do hope we see a bit more of them together in the future, because I want to test my theory that Much has come on a lot emotionally.

reviews, 3x02

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