Splintered Consort Chapter 2

Oct 17, 2009 08:11

Title: Splintered Consort
Fandom: Torchwood
Chapter: 2/6 Trap and Capture
Rating: Tipping on PG13/R for this one.
Pairings: JackxIanto
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood, its characters, or any backstory (ie. Season 3). This is not for Profit, I just like to write.
Warnings: Season 3 Spoilers like you wouldn't believe. The later chapters won't make sense unless you've seen all 5 episodes.
Summary: 100 years after the 456 have left Jack returns to Earth one more time, where he finds something he believed could only have existed in his deepest darkest nightmares.


Some how the fic sprouted another chapter since my first post :3 It's now going to be 6 chapters instead of 5. ***Please Review!***

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