
Dec 15, 2009 12:20

Ok, so I'm assuming everyone has done at least one long "Who I am and what I'm all about," post I hate tradition; so here's mine.

I'm one of those "in your head types." I can drive for hours and lose myself in thought completely unaware of whats going on around me.... no accidents yet.

So to start this with a bang:

* I am transsexual MtF
* I am over critical of myself
* I over think everything
* I like that smell from a freshly lit match
* I am alone in my own right

I think that all can go under over critical.

Everything kicked off before my last deployment July of '08, (of yea I'm former military) after years of failed relationships, failed friendships, unable to really relate to anyone and a nagging feeling something wasn't right, I came to terms with the possibility I was transgendered.

Well my deployment through the Fall and winter of '08 was pretty awkward, since the more I accepted myself the more I came out of my shell which often came out in pretty flamboyant ways. I actually found it comical that my actions were often seen as ambiguous around the other guys, but by that point I didn't care since my term was up in summer of '09.

In December of '08 I started seeing a therapist in Seattle at the Seattle Counseling Services after several months of sessions I was diagnosed with GID (Gender Identity Disorder). So ever since I've been on hormones, (estradiol, and spironolactone; a testosterone blocker) with seemingly endless results, and a constant battle between jumping off the depend into transition or wadding in gently.

The greatest blessing in all this has been that after coming out to everyone I could think of my family and friends have rallied around me in support with few exceptions.

My hopes are to finish my last year on my Bachelors complete a masters and become a councilor for the TG community. Over time I've realized I'm an exception to many experiences others have gone through to be who they want to be, so I hope I can be a support and boon for those who need it.

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