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Comments 59

foreseen_future August 1 2010, 20:28:37 UTC
Her head had started to ache last night. A dull throb that had dulled through the night, but was still present as a tiny tinge when she woke up this morning, feeling quite unpleasant, considering that she hadn't quite gotten much sleep.

Having dawned a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and slid her feet into her flip-flops, she enters the Med Bay with a sigh, stopping at the center with her hands on her hips, looking for the blasted AI who'd patched up her leg the last time she was in here.


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 02:35:11 UTC
"There's not a doctor around," Samus looks up when she hears another enter. They probably all left Samus alone to be frustrated with her kid once his leg was set. "You'd have better luck calling one over the comms if you need one."


foreseen_future August 2 2010, 06:00:59 UTC
She hadn't noticed that there were more people besides her in the Med Bay. She whips around to the person who had spoken, still a little irritated what with the migraine still there. "I'd prefer to not bother anyone but the AI at the moment, tha--"

She then sees the small child on one of the beds, and then the woman who had spoken to her, next to it. "But do you need a doctor?" she asks, her bad mood washed away by concern.


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 06:12:24 UTC
"No," she shakes her head and goes onto explain, "He's already seen one. I'm just waiting for him to wake up."


spartanjohn_117 August 1 2010, 21:31:43 UTC
The Chief has Samus' comm still, she left it with him when she took Komali up to medical. She needs that back, at some point. Probably sooner rather than later, head of security is a busy job.

"Ma'am?" he says as he comes in. Komali seems to be (relatively) alright, he observes, though the kid is out like a light.


gogopowersuit August 1 2010, 22:09:26 UTC
Samus looks up when she hears the footsteps. Chief's armor makes a fairly distinctive sound, so she knows who it is even before she sees him.

She raises an eyebrow at his sudden formality. It doesn't occur to her that she suddenly demands more respect from him as his superior officer. Still, she decides not to comment on it.

"Hmn?" She wonders why he's here. She had completely forgotten about her comm.


spartanjohn_117 August 2 2010, 01:23:56 UTC
"You left this," the Chief replies, holding up the comm. Reason for being here established, he walks over to give it to her.

"How's Komali?


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 02:33:34 UTC
"Oh," that. She holds out her palm and accepts it before slipping it away. "Thanks."

She looks over at the little bird, "He'll be fine. On crutches for awhile, but fine. Just waiting until he wakes up to see if he gets what was wrong about what he did."

She knows this wasn't all Sherry's idea.


greenissterile August 2 2010, 04:00:12 UTC
Doc was as usual working in the Medical Bay. While at many different times he dealt with Tex and Grif, it was always nice to meet new people. And if this was this Samus person Grif and Tex had told him about. "Hello there. I'm Medical Officer DuFresne, is there something you need?"


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 04:15:29 UTC
Samus looked up, pulled from her tiny bit of self pity and pool of frustrations for the moment. She moved her hand, propping her head up on her fist and looked between Komali and Doc.

"No," she shook her head. "Just waiting for him to wake up, so I can get the whole story on what happened."


greenissterile August 2 2010, 04:22:54 UTC
Doc gave an affirmative nod. "Understandable. You wouldn't happen to be acquainted with Tex and Grif are you?" Doc knew to say his words carefully so as to not cause and feelings of anger or inadequacy.


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 04:40:25 UTC
Samus nodded, "Both. Why?"


astridhofferson August 2 2010, 06:25:58 UTC

... )


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 07:05:52 UTC
Samus' eyes flick up when she hears another enter the room. She sits up stiffly, but relaxes her shoulders a little bit when she realizes it's just Astrid. She's used to maintaining such a professional demeanor. Bedside manor isn't usually included in that for her.

"He'll be alright," She answers, rubbing the back of her neck, "On crutches for awhile, but fine."


astridhofferson August 2 2010, 07:28:15 UTC

... )


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 07:39:39 UTC
Samus nods.

"I do. He's..." Pause. There's really no way of getting around this, so she just spits it out, "my son."

Adopted! But son nonetheless.


in_venting August 3 2010, 07:45:14 UTC
She hadn't wanted to, but Sherry had been marched along by her mother to the Medbay to properly apologize to Komali. It wasn't that she felt entirely guiltless about it (she did force him off the ledge. Twice.). The little girl stopped short of the bed and the new Chief of Security.

Just a broken leg, then? Well, that was okay. Still, she made herself look as dutifully sullen as she could. She really was sorry. Really.


gogopowersuit August 3 2010, 20:15:40 UTC
"Sherry," there was no murderous rage in her voice. That was a good thing!

Samus didn't fully blame Sherry (and after that shouting match, she suspected Komali was less innocent than he tried to be). She would've been fine without an apology from her, but she suspected this was part of her punishment, so she will listen.


redfield August 3 2010, 21:27:00 UTC
Claire was on Sherry's heels, but for the most part was just there to make sure Sherry actually apologized and didn't flake out or run off. Which she was won't to do, despite her best intentions, at times.

She settled her hands on her daughter's shoulders, glancing over at Samus.

"Sherry's got a few things she needs to get off her chest."


in_venting August 3 2010, 22:42:50 UTC
There was a quietly defiant quirk of her lips before she worked it out and took a breath. "I'm sorry," that your son has no balance, "Komali was hurt. We didn't think too much into it, and if we had, he wouldn't be here." Also he needs to learn to fall. Mental comments aside (and thankful no one immediate to her could read minds), Sherry did look very apologetic.


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