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astridhofferson August 2 2010, 06:25:58 UTC

The Medical bay became her newest hangout as it is where Astrid spent a majority of her time over the course of the week. Resting, snacking, playing 'assistant nurse' and tending to her amputee Viking... err, colleague. At this particular time, she really could use a break away from the med room she had located herself in and opted to meander. Yes, meander. Again. Apparently another growing pastime for the girl.

And it is then that she passed the occupied room and backpedaled when she recognized the figure within. She peered inside from the doorway.

Samus... and a kid. Though, at this angle, she is unaware of the extent of his injuries.

Frowning with concern, Astrid finally steps in to join them. "The child... is he going to be okay?"


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 07:05:52 UTC
Samus' eyes flick up when she hears another enter the room. She sits up stiffly, but relaxes her shoulders a little bit when she realizes it's just Astrid. She's used to maintaining such a professional demeanor. Bedside manor isn't usually included in that for her.

"He'll be alright," She answers, rubbing the back of her neck, "On crutches for awhile, but fine."


astridhofferson August 2 2010, 07:28:15 UTC

Astrid sweatdropped. Oh another case? How many boys on crutches does this make? Well, whatever the situation, she was glad the child wasn't in severe condition. She liked kids. Some of them.

She nods, tossing Komali a stare, intrigued by him now that she gets a closer look. Feathers and beak. Huh. Odd. "You know him?"


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 07:39:39 UTC
Samus nods.

"I do. He's..." Pause. There's really no way of getting around this, so she just spits it out, "my son."

Adopted! But son nonetheless.


astridhofferson August 2 2010, 07:53:35 UTC

Clearly not a gods given birth son, she takes it. Unless Samus forgot to mention she once had a rendezvous with a... bird, or man with a real bad feather condition in her distant past.

Yeah, Astrid will spare asking for the details. It was none of her business.

"You're a mother?" ...That came out-- Aaah, she totally didn't mean to sound surprised there. "I-I mean, I was unaware, of course..." she corrects herself, blushing somewhat embarrassingly.

"What do you call him?"


gogopowersuit August 2 2010, 08:07:59 UTC
Samus waves it off (and is fairly grateful Astrid doesn't ask her to elaborate), "I didn't mention it, so I didn't expect you to know. Actually, I was wondering if you two were going to meet." A pause.

"This isn't really how I expected that."

Continuing on, "His name is Komali."


astridhofferson August 2 2010, 20:06:01 UTC

Komali? Well isn't that a cute name. (It was up to par with 'Hiccup') She was a little curious what it stood for.

"Never saw him 'til now." She gathered that may be a habitual thing around here when the boy appeared so tiny compared to their vast group.

"Hah, though meeting him here shouldn't be that much of a surprise." There was a fond smile on her lips. "I guess boys are boys, no matter what race or world they hail from - trouble is in their nature."

Yes, Astrid has the telling experience of dealing with rambunctious young males.


gogopowersuit August 3 2010, 00:52:33 UTC
Samus smiled a little, "I am learning that very quickly with Komali. Hopefully this is our last trip to the med bay for a while."


astridhofferson August 3 2010, 03:40:07 UTC
"The fewer children here, the better."

As she neared the bed, she felt a tempting desire to touch one of the feathers that adorned him. Were they actually attached? Would he feel it, too?

Finger to lip, she blinked. "Just how many children are on the ship?"

The Ohm didn't discriminate; they had no qualms tearing a child away from their lives and worlds, throwing them into the fray. How pitiful, how sad, she thought.


gogopowersuit August 3 2010, 04:16:51 UTC
"A handful. Komali, Captain Kennedy's daughter Sherry, Vega, Vivio..." those were just the ones Samus knew off the top of her head.

Samus gently pushed a few feathers to the side over his forehead. She had to agree with Astrid's sentiment. Even if it meant she had never met Komali, he would have been better off in the pods. Safer. She felt guilty for thinking that but...

The last parts of Samus' thoughts were left unsaid. Had it been up to her, perhaps even Astrid wouldn't be fighting this war. She knew she would be a great warrior. It was easy to forget that she wasn't already, but she was still a teenager. Samus held onto the strange sort of idea that only she deserved to be robbed of a life in order to protect others. Fighting was her life, but id didn't have to be everyone else's...


dis_courageous August 3 2010, 22:00:03 UTC
Of the many things Komali was afraid of, drowning was one of them. His experience in the pod-caverns had been, at the very least, terrifying. Still, he'd been laying here, sleeping off the shocky reaction for long enough. Of course, he'd been awake for the last few minutes, listening in.

But his face itched, where Samus had touched his feathers, and involuntarily, he reached up to scratch it.


astridhofferson August 3 2010, 22:48:52 UTC

And they were all 'chosen champions'? She curiously began to speculate their individual potentials and what they served. "I see."

Oh she spotted movement. Hmm.

"...Well. My condolences to your child."

There was a tiny glimpse of a mischievous glint in her visible eye uncovered by her bangs as she gave him a sidelong glance, folding her arms and her lips slowly forming an amused smile. Bashful, eh? Maybe she can get a reaction out of him, then...

"--And if somehow your dear son can't pull through with his recovery, I'll arrange an honorable Viking ceremony for his passing to the other world. There are many rituals: Sticking them in a box on a ship and pushing them off into the vast ocean, but I'm sure it could be preformed the same way here--only beyond the stars instead of water. Cremation; allowing the ashes and smoke to drift into the realm of the gods. Disembowelment; emptying the body of the innards, they can't take them where they are going, of course..."

She could go on.

"We do them all the time at home."

Don't give her that look, Samus, it's only a bit of playful teasing.


gogopowersuit August 4 2010, 08:13:41 UTC
Oh Samus fully realized the teasing. She smirked a little, wondering if a dose of this might be what it took to convince Komali to stay away from tall buildings without supervision next time.

"Do you? Well, I certainly hope they aren't necessary, but he took such a nasty fall, I'm not sure what's going to happen. If only he had let me know what he was planning, it could have been prevented. Such a shame..."


dis_courageous August 7 2010, 01:12:16 UTC
See, when Astrid had said it, it was just annoying. But Samus never joked, especially not about really important things. Komali opened his eyes abruptly, darting between the two sadistic women that were suddenly picking over his corpse.

"Pleesdontdorwnmei'm really sorry!"


astridhofferson August 7 2010, 09:35:25 UTC

Aha... joke's over.

"My mistake. Looks like he'll pull through, after all." she smiled, hands on her hips now. "I'd say that's a healthy reaction."

Falling from dangerous heights? Seriously, what was that about? Mother and son can surely rest easy, at any case.


gogopowersuit August 10 2010, 22:42:40 UTC
Samus offered a small smile at Komali. Something to say, 'don't worry, that won't happen,' but still a little amused.

"Awake now, are you?"


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