Meat n' Greet

Jan 01, 2011 14:54

The rest of the crew assembled on the Observation Deck to meet the latest editions to their numbers. After the revelation that their worlds are gone, many of them are even more eager to see people they knew from home.

Several people are set up near the doors to provide the new people with omnicoms and comm rings. New crew-mates might see a tall ( Read more... )

ax, aqua, merlin, sasami masaki jurai, daja kisubo, volstagg, thom, kang, angie spica, sandrilene fa toren, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo, james, dustin brooks, tim drake/red robin, reimi saionji, !location: obs deck, jaime reyes, tieria erde, hikari yagami, cagalli yula athha, eleventh doctor, nura nal-dox, zoë shepard, eva, !emh, ventus, billy cranston, mary jane, !plot: pod release, duo maxwell, fate testarossa harlaown, kairi, dawn (anime), traci 13, ronnae, tavros nitram, dearka elsman, signum, celena vantari, sonic the hedgehog (games), miranda lawson, roxanne ritchie, andy davis, negi springfield, static, tron, arf, ophelia, scarlet witch, tom berenson, hiccup, remus lupin, ashley williams, edward elric, marco, faiza hussain, sensor, the pyro, howard the duck, ben 10, einhart stratos, matt olsen, red medic, jono starsmore, yzak jule, allenby beardsley, dave strider, nathan petrelli, terezi pyrope, spider-man (older), karkat vantas, lockon stratos, kanoe zouichi, paco, lacus clyne, phillip, yuuno scrya, nightwing, kanaya maryam, setsuna f. seiei, howard bassem, jill valentine, jade harley, dave lister, anwei ayles, kira yamato, dean winchester, judau ashta, feldt grace, tsukasa kadoya, sakura haruno, hay lin, bowser, coconut, aljan, kate bishop, sho fukamachi, reinforce zwei, son of satan, devlin levin, farseer alastirra, querl dox, sokka, hoshi hikari, megamind, kaylee frye, jamie mccrimmon, plays-in-traffic

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Comments 2989

lackofdarkwings January 1 2011, 20:03:09 UTC
Questions that Need Answering. That was what Matt's sign read as he held it up in the OBS deck, determined to do his job. He slacked off last time, and it was about time he earned his reputation for being the Council leader.

Or something like that.

"I can field questions here!" he called over the din.


unicornjesus January 1 2011, 21:02:33 UTC
Jan's nostrils flared in surprise at the powerful smell of two-foots that permeated this place overtop the ambient scent of some living thing he couldn't recognize. The place itself?

He was wary of this group, because his only other experience with the species had begun with his imprisonment and ended in a fight for freedom.

He approached the male warily, unable to read the sign or know its significance, but taking the call as an invitation.

"Tell me, two-foot, how do you speak my tongue?"


lackofdarkwings January 1 2011, 21:05:29 UTC
"Translation microbes," said Matt pleasantly as he nodded at the unicorn. "They translate languages for us into a common sort of "basic" that everyone speaks despite our nationalities. Although some words do slip by in our native tongues."

"Is there anything else I can help with?"


unicornjesus January 1 2011, 21:12:37 UTC
Jan exhaled. Well, so far there was no hostility. In fact, the two-foot seemed to be quite calm in his presence, much unlike the fear and awe he had inspired in the city of the chon.

This was all very reassuring.

"My name is Aljan Moonbrow, Prince of the unicorns of the Hallow Hills," he said, beginning with his title. "You may call me Jan. I seek my kinsmen. Have you seen other unicorns in this place?"


freethesystem January 1 2011, 20:27:25 UTC
Look out, meatcrew, you have a new AI on the loose and ready to ki....kindly assist you in any way he can ( ... )


short_changed January 1 2011, 21:23:58 UTC
Ed was near Tron when he booted up and jumped for a moment. Then realizing that it was an AI, or at least he figured the way his body was all grey and blue, he rounded about on him and grinned. "Hey, you're a computer-guy right? I'm Ed Elric."

He seemed harmless enough and despite crazy!Stacy, he figured that no one would actually be stupid enough to let a hologram of a nutbar AI loose on Obs.


freethesystem January 1 2011, 21:32:20 UTC
"Pleasure to meet you, Ed." No siree, there wasn't a line of corrupt code in this program! His job was to help the Users day in and day out.

"I don't know if any of you reactivated me, but is there anything in particular I can help you with? My access to the main program's needs is limited."


short_changed January 1 2011, 21:34:10 UTC
"Well if anything, someone did," said Ed casually as he nodded at Tron. He could get the vibe that this guy was eager to help.

"Ah just wondering if you needed aid on updates or something. I'm no computer expert, but I figured you needed someone to talk to." added Ed.


justoutrunyou January 1 2011, 20:36:11 UTC
Off to the side, willingly trying to keep her back to the wall and herself out of the crowd was a scrawny messy haired little girl who looked underfed...and pretty unhappy with things as they were progressing. She wasn't the only one by a long shot.

She just...needed some space. That way when things inevitably started going wrong she could run. Let all these grown ups deal with the OHM or whatever. She wasn't anybodies hero. She was just a little kid who was good at running away and she knew it.


puny_parker January 1 2011, 21:19:08 UTC
Between the mission and the podpop, Peter hadn't had enough time to run back to Wyvern Castle to change out of his costume. Thus the teenage hero was leaning up against the wall in full uniform, mask hanging out the back of his pants.


justoutrunyou January 1 2011, 21:23:18 UTC
Sandy almost overlooked him at first, something hard to do considering the bright colors of his costume.

But the colors were unmistakable. The uniform was burned into her memory for the rest of her life after the brutal scene she had witnessed in what to her was hours ago.

She didn't know when she had moved closer but she had and that just made it more clear. It was the outfit, but it was on a kid. He couldn't have been much older then her.

She heard her mouth say the words before her brain could stop it "Spider-man?"


puny_parker January 1 2011, 21:32:39 UTC
Peter raised his eyebrow. "Yeah? What can I help you with?"


myboggartismoon January 1 2011, 21:08:16 UTC
Remus Lupin, looking uncomfortable and out-of-place in his suit, spent his time scanning the crowd, wondering if anyone else he knew might have been brought here as well -- whether friend or foe. At his side, in a position not hostile but quick to raise if needed, he held his wand quite firmly. Despite his cautions and concerns, he did his best to look polite and amiable. This seemed a particularly poor time to make enemies.


hisfathersstaff January 1 2011, 21:11:43 UTC
Negi was flying overhead when he felt the curious source of magic nearby. "Hey Aniki, you feel that?" inquired Chamo.

"Yeah I did. Hold on."

Swooping down, he put his staff on his back and looked around until he identified the wizard in front of him. "Hello!" he chirped cheerfully, not knowing he had just spoken to one of his favorite literary characters in the world.

Nerd-gasm in three... two...


myboggartismoon January 1 2011, 21:26:39 UTC
"Ah... good day." Clearly the International Statute of Secrecy was out the window, here. "I'm afraid I'm quite new here. Could you possibly tell me... well, anything really." He smiled, looking around at the ever-increasing crowd with evident weariness, but still good humor. "I suppose I ought to see if anyone I know is here, first. How is all this arranged?"


hisfathersstaff January 1 2011, 21:29:51 UTC
"Ah, well to begin with, you're on Stacy, a ship traveling through the Bleed which according to what I know is the space between worlds." said Negi, pointing at the large display windows to the rainbow of colors behind them.

"I'm Negi, Negi Springfield and this is Chamo-kun." added Negi, the familiar on his shoulder giving a wave. "We've been rescued from our homes after they sort of, well..."

"Got blown up," supplied Chamo helpfully. "You my good man, have been chosen to help out this crew and fight against the Ohm when you can. And good timing too: from what we heard we've got support from the people already fighting them."

Negi nodded. "That's right. Can I ask your name sir?"


moms_temperment January 1 2011, 21:47:29 UTC
Hana stood, suppressing the little feeling of awkwardness at the amount of people gathered around him, pretty easy to do considering the number of other emotions running through him.

For awhile, he just hung back from conversation, walking through the crowd. From the faces of those close to him it was easy to tell they had no clue what was going on either so he'd just keep going, walking back and forth, this way and that but not straying from the crowd, waiting until he could find someone who might have some answers.


ruffntumblenut January 1 2011, 23:01:14 UTC
Well...she wasn't big on answers. Ruffnut had a pretty simple view of things.

However Hana struck her almost frozen as she glanced over him. She rubbed her eyes and frowned with disappointment. From a distance he bore a striking resemblance to her brother when he was younger.

But no, still no sign of the incorrigible other half of the Thorston twins.

Oh well. She was here already might as well make herself useful. "Hey kid, you lost?" Stupid question. Weren't they all?


moms_temperment January 1 2011, 23:17:09 UTC
It took Hana a moment to realize he was being spoken too.

He turned to look at the girl, shaking his head. "Nar, I don't think so, just kinda... Confused."

He looked about again, then asked. "Listen, you haven't seen a scary lady with pink hair have you? Or a really tall guy with creepy facial hair and a really dumb hairstyle?"


ruffntumblenut January 1 2011, 23:23:46 UTC
That was...oddly specific.

"Um...not exactly. But there's alot of people with dumb hair and pink...did you say pink hair?" Actually that was one she hadn't seen yet but there probably was some around here some where.

"You looking for someone?" She added trying to mentally list off everyone who she thought had a dumb hairstyle.


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