Another Meme

May 02, 2006 14:50

One of the many memes floating about the internets. I can't remember who's journal I was skulking about when I found this - The What Kinda Fic Is On Your Harddrive Meme...or whatever the Hell it's called.

Fic I'm supposed to be working on:

- I just received my femslash_today assignment and man, is this gonna be hard. There are three fandoms to choose from and only one of them I consider myself particularly well-versed on. Plus, I think doing the getyourtoaster ficathon broke me. I find ficathons, I don't know, intimidating somehow because they seem to bring out *all* my insecurities as a writer.

- Fastlane - One of many fics I owe ralst. Heh, it originally started as a Fast and Furious fic I'm supposed to be working on for charley_ryan but then I thought 'man, wouldn't this be cool if it were Billie and Sara' and just went from there. It has Billie and Sara, lesbian biker gangs, shootouts with dirty cops, and anything else I can think of to throw in there.

- Grey's Anatomy: Another of the many fics I owe ralst. Actually, I'm not sure I owe her this one as much as I saw one of the prompt challenges on P&P and have been working on it for like months. Izzie and Addison stuck at a roadside motel in the middle of nowhere, a mechanic who looks alot like Gina Gershon from Bound, itty bitty teeny weenie bikinis...oh, and sex!!

- And then there's all the fic I owe people when I posted this little piece of insanity! Biting off more than you can chew - thy name is trancer!

Fic I'm working on, but will probably never finish:

"The Vagina Monster" - I don't know why I don't think I'll ever finish this other than when I started the story I was in a groove and can't seem to find my way back again. Plus, the show having those weird hiatuses and me getting increasingly pissed off at the fandom didn't help. Hrmm, maybe I can think of this as my 'summer project'.

- "The Beginning" BoP - *sigh* I really want to finish this one but like "The Vagina Monster" I was in a groove that I haven't been able to find again. Plus, losing all my fic when my computer crashed *really* didn't help. That and writing it in first person narrative, which is like my personal Kryptonite! There are a couple other BoP fics I *really* want to recover but I don't have the time or money to do it.

- Lost (Ana-Lucia/Kate) - This is a show that definitely needs more femslash but, it's kinda hard to get into it when *all* the female characters are so goddamn passive! Sure, writing this fic would take care of that particular aspect, but it's hard when the inspiration leaves me so..uninspired.

- Stargate SG-1 (Sam/Janet) - based on the "Ripple Effect" ep. I think I was gonna do this one for ralst's Anniversary Challenge. See, told ya I owed her alotta fic. It'd be Janet stuck on SG-1 waiting to get to her own universe 'cuz it's almost her anniversary with Sam. And, a whole buncha other horny Sam's wanting to spend that anniversary with Janet. I mean, is it still cheating if it's the same person but from an alternate universe?

Fic I'm definitely working on, and will for sure finish:

- Space: Above & Beyond/Starship Troopers (Shane/Dizzy) - Two characters who definitely don't get enough love in fandom. Sure, Dizzy died and Shane probably did too but fuck canon! It's Dizzy Flores...and Shane Vansen! Together, drinking, fighting, sexing each other up! What's not to love? There's probably some Shane/Starbuck, Dizzy/Starbuck stories but I really need to finish this one first.

- Veronica Mars (Veronica/Mac) - Like three days after signups closed I discovered apocalyptothon. Sure, ficathons scare me but it's a 'thon devoted to THE END OF THE WORLD!! How could I *not* be drawn to something like that. So, it has zombies, and a deputized Weevil, Mac as the Neptune Sheriff's Department's own Q, a secret wishlist.

- CSI (Sara/Sofia) - Another post-apocalyptic fic based on the 'Y the Last Man' comic, which I *highly* recommend. Sara and Sofia in a world where all the men dropped dead. It's not as long as I'd like it, but, if it were shorter, I would have posted it already ;)

- SVU "Hunter & Prey" - Another fic where I was in a groove then just lost it. Ya know, it would probably help if I started doing like outlines or something for times like these, seeing as how they happen more often or not. But, I'm a creature of habit. *sigh* I seriously need to win the lottery. It would be so much easier to finish all these things if I didn't have that damn *job* getting in the way.

- Firefly/BSG (Zoe/D'ualla) - I'm not sure if I put this in the right category. But, it's been something I've been thinking about, seeing as how I'm in a crossover mood as of late. Like, the kind of ficathon I'd really be interested in, aside from hot chicks and zombies, would be a women of color femslash ficathon but I'm not sure if that would be perceived as rascist or not (don't ask why I think this 'cuz I seriously don't know. Like, would it be well recieved or would there be a knee-jerk reaction that fandom's being perceived as rascist?). Because there are all these kick-ass women characters who happen to be minorities but really don't get as much love in fandom. And, I admit, I'm as guilty of it as the next person, although what that "it" is, I'm not exactly certain. On the other hand, my motivation for Zoe/Dee is more along the hotness factor than racial equality...I just can't say that's *not* a factor.


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