Fic Meme!!

Mar 07, 2006 19:32

Shamelessly gacked from ariestess!!

Tell me up to four of these, and I'll write a fic about it, between 1200 and 3000 words. Fics to be posted on April 11th.
1) a character type or pairing (ex: human, supernatural, cop, criminal, etc)
2) a genre (comedy, horror, romance, mystery, etc)
3) a time period (Ancient Rome, Medieval Britain, Revolutionary France, American Wild West, etc)
4) a random element (Some object or detail to be included, or excluded, rating, anything goes.)

What's the catch? Well, this is the part where I'm supposed to say that if you comment here, you have to post this to your journal and offer to write fics too. Since this is more about getting my ass in gear and I know some of my f-list aren't writers, if you wanna take up the challenge, go for it. But, I don't consider it a requirement.

Here's the list of fandoms I can write for. I'm open to anything not currently on the list 'cuz I'm certain I forgot something...or alot of things. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

Grey's Anatomy
Law & Order SVU/TOS
CSI Las Vegas
Stargate SG-1/Atlantis
Battlestar Galactica
Birds of Prey TV/Comic
Bad Girls
Smallville (no Martha Kent/young'uns please)
Desperate Housewives
Veronica Mars
Star Trek (any)

M/M Slash - For those of you interesting in something with a little more testosterone!
Fast & The Furious (shut up! I like that movie!)
Law & Order SVU

I'm also up for writing het-pairings, but since I've only written hetfic in the SVU, and SG Atlantis universe, don't know if I can write anything else unless someone asks. That's not necessarily a challenge...I'm just sayin'!

fic challenge, fic meme

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